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Library and Information Science

December  2015 UGC NET

Question Paper-III with Answer - Library & Information Science


1. Digital collection developed for capturing the intellectual output of a single or multi institution is called as

(A) Digital Library

(B) Digital Archive

(C) Digital Repository

(D) Digital Publishing

Answer (C)

2. INFLIBNET initiative for “Integrated e-content ports Gateway to All Learners” is named as

(A) e-PG Pathshala



(D) e-Acharya

Answer (D)

3. Intellectual Literacy Day is celebrated on

(A) 8th July

(B) 9th August

(C) 8th September

(D) 18th September

Answer (C)

4. SCONUL stands for

(A) The Council of National and University Libraries

(B) Scientific National University Libraries

(C) The Scientific Conference on National and University Libraries

(D) The Standing Conference on National and University Libraries

Answer (D)

5. The key factor that enforces uniformity throughout retrieval system is

(A) Controlled vocabulary

(B) Search strategy

(C) User profile

(D) Database

Answer (A)

6. Which of the following is not an example of non-random sampling?

(A) Snowball Sampling

(B) Convenience Sampling

(C) Quota and Purposive Sampling

(D) Census

Answer (D)

7. According to S. R. Ranganathan, the reference service aimed at freshman is called

(A) General Help to General Reader

(B) Short Range Reference Service

(C) Long Range Reference Service

(D) Initiation

Answer (D)

8. Which one of the following is the implementing agency for “capacity building” activity of National Mission on Libraries?

(A) Delhi Public Library

(B) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation

(C) National Library of India

(D) Documentation, Research and Training Centre

Answer (B)

9. When an author has not registered his / her work under copyright but legally proceeded over dispute of ownership. What is the validity of ownership?

(A) No ownership without Registration

(B) It may not be legally tenable

(C) Ownership is automatic

(D) Both (A) and (B) are correct

Answer (C)

10. “Guide for the Preparation and Publication of Abstracts” was published by





Answer (D)

11. What type of directory is the “Times of India Directory and Yearbook including Who’s Who”?

(A) General

(B) Special

(C) Professional

(D) Trade

Answer (A)

12. Folksonomy is a

(A) System in which users apply public tag to micro documents only.

(B) System in which users apply public tag on online items.

(C) System in which users do not apply public tag to online items.

(D) System in which users apply public tag to only print items.

Answer (B)

13. What is intercalation in UDC?

(A) Prefix of auxiliary.

(B) Suffix of auxiliary.

(C) Infix of auxiliary

(D) Super-impose

Answer (C)

14. The first order of division of classes in DDC is based on

(A) Jewett’s system of classification

(B) System of Paris Book Sellers

(C) The Fixed Location System

(D) Francis Bacon’s three fountains of learning

Answer (D)

15. Identify the service that is made available through web 3.0 technologies.

(A) Message Board


(C) Flikr

(D) Mashup

Answer (B)

16. Who propounded the “theory of human relation”?

(A) Renis Likert

(B) Elton Mayo

(C) Barnard

(D) None of the above

Answer (B)

17. What is Dynamic HTML?

(A) Asynchronous Web Development Technique

(B) Collection of technologies to create interactive, animated website.

(C) Dynamic Web Page

(D) Digital Signal Processor

Answer (B)

18. Which one is not used as transmission media for voice / data communication?

(A) Copper wire

(B) Co-axial cables

(C) Plastic wire

(D) Optic wire

Answer (C)

19. Ministry of Education, Government of Delhi will be rendered according to Classified Catalogue Code (CCC) as

(A) Ministry of Education (Delhi)

(B) Delhi, (Education (Ministry of -)

(C) Delhi, Ministry of Education

(D) DELHI, EDUCATION (Ministry of -)

Answer (D)

20. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?

(A) Optical Memory

(B) Magnetic Core Memory


(D) Cache Memory

Answer (D)

21. Page Maker is an example of

(A) Operating System

(B) Electronic Spread Sheet

(C) Geometrical Software

(D) Publishing Software

Answer (D)

22. Which of the following are the Special Auxiliaries of Universal Decimal Classification (Medium Edition 1993)?

(a) Point of view .00

(b) Materials -03

(c) Point-not series .1/.9

(d) Hyphen series -1/-9


(A) (a) and (d) are correct

(B) (a) and (c) are correct

(C) (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (b) and (d) are correct

Answer (C)

23. Which of the following are linear models of communication?

(a) Dance’s Helical model.

(b) Lasswell model.

(c) W. Schramm’s Interactive model.

(d) Becker’s Mosaic model.


(A) (a) and (c) are correct

(B) (c) and (d) are correct

(C) (b) and (c) are correct

(D) (a) and (d) are correct

Answer (C)

24. A copyright law usually aims at the following features

(a) Stimulate creative authorship.

(b) Public availability of intellectual works.

(c) Freedom of access to information.

(d) Profit making by publishers.


(A) (a) and (b) are correct

(B) (a) and (c) are correct

(C) (b) and (d) are correct

(D) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

Answer (A)

25.  By 2002, which of the following states have enacted their respective Public Libraries Acts?

(a) Haryana.

(b) Uttar Pradesh.

(c) Mizoram.

(d) Rajasthan.


(A) (a) and (c) are correct

(B) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

(C) (b) and (d) are correct

(D) (c) and (d) are correct

Answer (A)

26.  Which of the following types of publications are excluded in INB?

(a) Maps.

(b) First issue of Periodical.

(c) Newspapers.

(d) Books in regional languages.


(A) (b) and (c) are correct

(B) (c) and (d) are correct

(C) (a) and (c) are correct

(D) (d) and (a) are correct

Answer (C)

27.  Which of the following are the elements of marketing mix?

(a) Selling.

(b) Place.

(c) Purchasing.

(d) Product.


(A) (a) and (b) are correct

(B) (b) and (c) are correct

(C) (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (b) and (d) are correct

Answer (D)

28.  ALA’s newly labeled Public Awareness Campaign “Libraries Transform” launched by ALA President Sari Feldman aims to focus on

(a) The critical role the Public Libraries play in digital age;

(b) The change of perception that libraries are just quiet places to do research, find book and read;

(c) Transforming the lives of all through education and life-long learning;

(d) To determine the role of school, academic and special libraries;


(A) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

(B) (a), (b) and (d) are correct

(C) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

Answer (A)

29.  Which of the following are the synthetic features of ‘Dewey Decimal classification’?

(a) Relative Index.

(b) Enumeration of Schedules.

(c) Tables.

(d) Add to instruction.


(A) (a) and (b) are correct

(B) (b) and (c) are correct

(C) (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

Answer (C)

30.  Which of the following are the management theories related to motivation?

(a) Maslow Theory of Needs.

(b) Drucker Theory.

(c) McGregor Theory of X and Y.

(d) Fayol Theory.


(A) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

(B) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(C) (a), (b) and (d) are correct

(D) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

Answer (A)

31.  Which of the following are the techniques of Total Quality Management (TQM)?

(a) Quality circles.

(b) Empowerment.

(c) Bureaucratic set up.

(d) Participative management.


(A) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

(B) (a), (b) and (d) are correct

(C) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (a), (c) and (b) are correct

Answer (B)

32.  Which of the following are the parts of a URL (Universal Resource Locator)?

(a) Protocol.

(b) Media Access Control.

(c) Domain name.

(d) Path.


(A) (a), (b) and (c) are correct

(B) (b), (c) and (d) are correct

(C) (a), (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (b) and (c) are correct

Answer (C)

33.  Which of the following tools index cited references?

(a) D-Space.

(b) Scopus.

(c) JCCC.

(d) Google Scholar.


(A) (a) and (c) are correct

(B) (b) and (c) are correct

(C) (a) and (d) are correct

(D) (b) and (d) are correct

Answer (D)

34.  Null hypothesis is based on which of the following assumption?

(a) No relationship between the two variables in the total population.

(b) Relationship between the two variables in the total population.

(c) Variables are related after having statistically rejected.

(d) Variables are related before statistical analysis.


(A) (a) and (d) are correct

(B) (a) and (c) are correct

(C) (a) and (b) are correct

(D) (b) and (d) are correct

Answer (B)

35.  The ancient Nalanda learning center had which of the following buildings for libraries?

(a) Ratnasagara.

(b) Ratnaranjaka.

(c) Ratangarbha.

(d) Ratnamanjari.


(A) (a) and (b) are correct

(B) (b) and (c) are correct

(C) (c) and (d) are correct

(D) (d) and (a) are correct

Answer (A)  

36.  Identify the correct sequence of the Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

(a) Esteem.

(b) Belonging.

(c) Safety.

(d) Physiological.


(A) (b), (c), (d) and (a)

(B) (c), (b), (d) and (a)

(C) (d), (b), (c) and (a)

(D) (d), (c), (b) and (a)

Answer (D)

37.  According to S.R Ranganathan the steps in classifying documents include the following analysis of the title. Arrange the steps in the sequential order

(a) Expressive title.

(b) Kernel title.

(c) Analysed title.

(d) Transformed title.


(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(B) (b), (c), (d) and (a)

(C) (c), (d), (a) and (b)

(D) (d), (a), (b) and (c)

Answer (A)

38.  Arrange the following units of computer memory in an ascending order

(a) Zettabyte.

(b) Exabyte.

(c) Yottabyte.

(d) Petabyte.


(A) (a), (b), (d) and (c)

(B) (b), (c), (a) and (d)

(C) (d), (b), (a) and (c)

(D) (c), (a), (b) and (d)

Answer (C)

39.  Arrange in sequence the following steps involved in testing a hypothesis according to C.R Kothari

(a) Selecting random sample and computing appropriate value.

(b) Calculating and comparing the probability.

(c) Selecting significant level.

(d) Making formal statement.


(A) (b), (c), (d) and (a)

(B) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(C) (c), (a), (b) and (d)

(D) (d), (c), (a) and (b)

Answer (D)

40.  Arrange the following Acts according to the year of their respective enactments

(a) Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

(b) Right to Information Act (India).

(c) Information Technology Act (India).

(d) Indian Copyright Act.


(A) (d), (a), (c) and (b)

(B) (d), (b), (c) and (a)

(C) (a), (d), (b) and (c)

(D) (b), (c), (a) and (d)

Answer (A)

41.  Arrange in sequence the following repository libraries according to their year of establishment

(a) Connemara Public Library, Chennai.

(b) Delhi Public Library, Delhi.

(c) Asiatic Society Library, Mumbai.

(d) Central Reference Library, Kolkata.


(A) (d), (a), (c) and (b)

(B) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(C) (b), (d), (a) and (c)

(D) (c), (a), (b) and (d)

Answer (D)

42.  Arrange the following Catalogue Codes according to their first publication year

(A) CCC, AA code, ALA code, AACR-I.

(B) ALA code, CCC, AA code, AACR-I.

(C) AA code, ALA code, CCC, AACR-I.

(D) AACR-I, CCC, AA code, ALA code.

Answer (C)

43.  Arrange in sequence the steps involved in Browne Charging Procedure

(a) Stamping the date slip.

(b) Identification of borrower.

(c) Slipping the book card in reader’s ticket.

(d) Arrange cards in juxta position.


(A) (a), (d), (b) and (c)

(B) (b), (c), (a) and (d)

(C) (c), (b), (d) and (a)

(D) (d), (a), (c) and (b)

Answer (B)

44.  Arrange in sequence the following E-Journal Consortia in India according to their year of establishment

(a) National Knowledge Resource Consortium.

(b) IIM Library Consortium.

(c) Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture.

(d) INDEST-AICTE Consortium.


(A) (c), (a), (d) and (b)

(B) (a), (d), (b) and (c)

(C) (b), (d), (c) and (a)

(D) (d), (b), (a) and (c)

Answer (C)

45.  Match the following

List- I                              List-II

(a) Protocols              (i) Work Station

(b) Device Drivers     (ii) Electronic/Radio Signals

(c) Node                    (iii) Manage Network Services

(d) Transmission Media   (iv) Language that allow computers to communicate







Answer (A)

46.  Match the following

List- I                      List-II

(a)Bus                              (i) Nodes connected to hub

(b) Star                           (ii) Each node connects to every other

(c) Ring                        (iii) Nodes connected to backbone

(d) Mesh                     (iv) Each node connected to the next







Answer (C)

47.  Match the following

List- I                                                     List-II

(a) Readers Advisory Service          (i) Market Survey Report

(b) Referral Service                         (ii) Preparation of Trend Report

(c) Review Service                           (iii) Helping reader in selection of right book

(d) Digest Service                          (iv) Directing the user to the source of information







Answer (D)

48.  Match the following organizations with their contribution to information literacy

List- I                                                                  List-II

(a)CILIP                                                            (i)Information Literacy Model of Eight Competencies

(b)SCONUL                                                       (ii) Guidelines for Information Literacy for Life Long Learning

(c) ACRL                                                          (iii) Information literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education

(d) IFLA                                                         (iv) Seven Pillars of Information Literacy







Answer (B)

49.  Match the following Information Seeking Behaviour models with corresponding theories

List- I                                                                            List-II

(a)Wilson Model of ISB                                           (i) Tailored to Electronic Environment-the process consists of eight sub-processes

(b) Derrin’s Model of ISB                                       (ii) Association of feelings, thoughts and actions but not cognitive

(c)Kuhlthous Model of ISB                                   (iii) Sense making approach-based on situation, gap and outcome-three key elements

(d) Marchioninis ISB Model                                 (iv) Three fold view on information seeking context, system and information sources







Answer (A)

50.  Match the following

List- I                                                                   List-II

(a)Descriptive Research                               (i)Critical evaluation of available facts or information

(b)Applied Research                                      (ii) Surveys and fact finding enquiries

(c)Empirical research                                (iii) Relies on experience or observation alone

(d) Analytical research                              (iv) Finding a solution to an immediate social problem







Answer (B)

51.  Match the following

List- I                                                           List-II

(a)Day book system                                   (i) Each per book

(b) Ledger system                                     (ii) Browne system

(c) One card                                               (iii) Note down transactions

(d) Two card system                              (iv) One page per borrower







Answer (B)

52.  Match the following

List- I                                                           List-II

(a)Nominal Data                                     (i) Level of satisfaction regarding library facilities

(b) Ordinal data                                      (ii) Frequency of use of internet by different user groups

(c) Interval Data                                   (iii) Ranking of library services by users

(d) Ratio                                                   (iv) Gender details of library users







Answer (D)

53.  Match the following

List- I     (Commissions)                                            List-II (opinions)

(a)D.S Kothari Commission                                 (i) It is right and proper that university should provide great libraries

(b) Radhakrishnan Commission                       (ii) Electronic/Radio Signals

(c) Calcutta Commission                                    (iii) Nothing could be more damaging to a department than neglecting its library

(d) Truman’s Commission                                (iv) The library is the heart of university work







Answer (B)

54.  Match the following

List- I                                                                                 List-II

(a)Books in print                                                            (i) Prouest

(b)The stateman’s year book                                        (ii) Microsoft

(c) Ulrich’s International Periodical Directory          (iii) Palgrave Mac Millan

(d) Encarta Encyclopedia                                             (iv) R.R Bowker







Answer (D)

55.  Match the following

List- I                                                                  List-II

(a)Statistical Analysis                               (i) Pitcharard

(b)Statistical Bibliography                        (ii) S.R Ranganathan

(c) Librametry                                            (iii) E.W. Hume

(d) Bibliometrics                                        (iv) Francil Cole







Answer (A)

56.  Match the following

List- I                                                          List-II

(a) F.Rider                                                 (i) FRBR

(b) E.J Coates                                          (ii) Citation Indexing

(c) IFLA                                                    (iii) International classification

(d) Eugene Garfield                            (iv) BTI Indexing







Answer (A)

57.  Match the following

List- I                                                   List-II

(a)Browne                                     (i) OCLC

(b) SWOT analysis                   (ii) Digital Library Software

(c) Worldcat                            (iii) Charging System

(d) Greenstone                       (iv) Management Practice







Answer (C)

58.  Match the following

List- I                                                                                   List-II

(a) Cumulative Books in Print                                       (i) Bibliography of Periodicals

(b) Ulrich International Periodical Directory          (ii) Trade bibliography

(c) World of Learning                                                    (iii) Bibliographical source

(d) Who’s Who in India                                                 (iv) Directory







Answer (A)

59.  Match the following

List- I                                                                                   List-II

(a)Bibliographic service                                                    (i) E-mail to user with links to latest e-journals

(b) Alert service                                                                 (ii) Translated copy of a document

(c) Condensation service                                               (iii) Compilation of audio records by a singer

(d) Support service                                                         (iv) Abstracting selected and analysed information







Answer (D)

60.  Assertion (A) LIS professionals are ultimately bestowed with the responsibility of building the image of the person.
Reason (R) The measure of the image is the service they render and not their financial gains.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (A)

61.  Assertion (A) Five Laws of Library Science are the normative principles that are capable of countering any problem faced by the Librarians.
Reason (R) Normative principles are the only considered to be the correct way of doing something, but also determines norms or standards in day-today library practice.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) (A) is true and (R) is false.

(C) (A) is false and (R) is true.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are true.

Answer (D)

62.  Assertion (A) A recent feature that have been incorporated to Integrated Library Management Software is self-checking or self-issue of books option in the circulation module using RFID technology.
Reason (R) Application of RFID technology is economically viable and suitable to all types of libraries.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(C) (A) is true, and (R) is false.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Answer (C)

63.  Assertion (A) POP is the main internet standard for electronic mail transmission.
Reason (R) The Post Office Protocol (POP) is a protocol used by local e-mail clients to retrieve e-mail from a remote server over TCP/IP connection.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (D)

64.  Assertion (A) Institutional Repositories (IRs) no more remain an inaccessible resource for the contemporary researchers as they not only open up their scholarly output to the entire world, but also maximized their visibility and impact of these outputs.
Reason (R) Repositories adhere to an international agreed set of technical standards by which they pose the metadata of each item and their contents on the Web and as such are interoperable.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (A)

65.  Assertion (A) An example for an array of geographical divisions can be Asia, India, Bihar, Patna.
Reason (R) An Array is a series of coordinate sub-divisions which are obtained by dividing a class or division according to a single characteristics.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (D)

66.  Assertion (A) Increased access to digital documents led to substantial increase in Plagarism.
Reason (R) Most of the people are ignorant of the procedures in citing the digital documents.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (A)

67.  Assertion (A) Information reflects the synergic combination of medium and message.
Reason (R) There is no difference between conduit and content.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true, and (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (C)

68.  Assertion (A) The Library users have easy and more access to information in networked environment than in print environment.
Reason (R) There is no distortion from barriers to communication process in networked environment.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) (A) is true, and (R) is false.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (B)

69.  Assertion (A) UDC is more suitable for special libraries compared to DDC scheme of classification.
Reason (R) UDC can better accommodate new complex subjects compared to DDC.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (A)

70.  Assertion (A) In DDC only ‘Add to’ device provide an opportunity to expand a given number.
Reason (R) DDC is a purely enumerative scheme of classification without synthetic features.


(A) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(B) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Answer (B)

71.  Assertion (A) Impact factor is the only method for evaluating the performance of an individual researcher.
Reason (R) Impact factor helps Libraries in their Journal subscription.


(A) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(B) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are true.

Answer (B)

72.  Assertion (A) All public libraries in India are maintained from cess.
Reason (R) UNESCO Manifesto recommended that public libraries should be “maintained wholly from public funds”.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (D)

73.  Assertion (A) FRBR is very important development towards global sharing of information.
Reason (R) FRBR outlines the relationship between many different interpretations or expressions.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

Answer (B)

74.  Assertion (A) Most Information Retrieval (IR) system that used qualitative research techniques explored information seeking and retrieval behaviour of users.
Reason (R) The qualitative research methods help to explore human behaviour.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(B) (A) is false, and (R) is true.

(C) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(D) (A) is true and (R) is false.

Answer (C)

75.  Assertion (A) AACR-2 instructs that no information should be added to catalogue from other than the title page.
Reason (R) The main source of cataloguing information is the “Title Page” and the “Verso of the title page”.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) (A) is true but (R) is false.

(C) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(D) Both (A) and (R) are false.

Answer (C)