IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Vivekananda College (University of Delhi)



Applications are invited for the following posts in Vivekananda College (University of Delhi, Delhi-11 0095) on contract basis for a period of six months which may be renewed for a further period of six months on consolidated salary as per University rules.


Name of the Post                            Semi-Professional Assistant

No. of Post                                      01 (UR)

Age Limit:                                       35 years


Essential Qualification

a) Graduate in Arts/Science/Commerce or any other discipline or any other higher qualification with 50% marks.

b) B.Lib.Sc I B.L.I.Sc with 50% Marks. 3. Course in computer application at Graduate or PG Level or 6 months computer course from a recognized institution.



Name of the Post                            Library Attendants (MTS)

No. of Post                                      02 (1UR & 1 OBC)

Age Limit:                                        30 years


Essential Qualification

Passed 1Oth or equivalent examination from any State Education Board or Government recognized Institution


a) Computer as a subject at Secondary level or Basic course in Computers from any Institution.

b) Certificate in Library Science/Library & Information Science from a recognized Institution.

How to apply

Interested applicants fulfilling the criteria are required to submit their application in the prescribed format along with self attested copies of all relevant certificates and a passport size photograph to the college, addressed to The Principal, Vivekananda College, Vivek Vihar, New Delhi-11 0095 latest by 20/10/2016 up to 5.00 p.m.

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