IS Portal

Library and Information Science

 Dr. B R Ambedkar Central Library
 Jawaharlal Nehru University
 New Delhi – 110 067

Applications are invited for  ONE Research Associate in the ICSSR funded project entitled “Public Policy Implication of Social Sciences Doctoral Research Carried Out in Indian Universities: Content Analysis based on Awarded Doctoral Theses” in the Library.

  • Post      Research Associate
  • Salary  20,000/- P.M

Essential Qualifications: MLIS plus PGDLAN/ PGDCA; or MCA; or B.Tech. (Computer Science)

Desirable: One year research/ industry experience.Candidates with prior experience in working with Data Alatytics/ Text-Mining Tools, MS-Excel, SPSS, knowledge of R/ Python language will be given preference.

The position is completely temporary and co-terminus with the project till March 2024. JNU reserves the right to relax any of the qualifications in case the candidate is found otherwise well qualified by the Selection Committee.

Interested candidates should send a soft copy of the application to the undersigned. Applications along with a CV should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the Name, address, contact number and email address of two referees. The last date for the application is 26th October 2023. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview. Please note that no TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
