IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Ministry of Education (Department of School Education & Literacy)

(Govt. of India) (Regional Office) Bay No. 26-27, SECTOR 31-A, CHANDIGARH - 160030

Online Application Form

Online Application form starts from 05.06.2024
Closing date for submission of Online Application form 11.06.2024

Post: Librarian

Essential Qualification:

  1. University degree in Library Science from a recognized institution
  2. Experience of working in a residential school institution
  3. Teaching experience in a recognized school
  4. Working knowledge of English and Hindi
  5. Knowledge of regional languages
  6. Knowledge of computer application

Upper Age Limit:

Upper Age Limit for all category of teachers is 50 Years as on last July of the year of engagement. For Ex NVS/ Superannuated Govt. School teachers maximum age limit will be 65 Years as on last July of the year of engagement.


For Normal Station: Rs. 34,125/-
For Hard Station: Rs. 40,625/-


S. No. Qualifications Maximum Weightage Criteria for award of Weightage
1 Essential Qualification 40 Marks 40% of the Percentage obtained
2 Next Higher qualification in the relevant subject 10 marks 10% of the Percentage obtained
3 Publication/Presentation of papers in seminars/ journal by Recognized University/ Institutions (based on production of certificates) 5 Marks Publication/presentation of at least two papers
4 Certificate/Diploma Course in Computer Application from Govt. recognized institute 5 Marks Based on certificate from a Govt. recognized institutes
5 Experience in similar capacity in a Govt. Recognized School on production of certificates related to experience conduct and performance from previous employer(s) 15 marks 02 marks for each completed session in a residential school or 01 mark for each completed session in a non-residential Govt. recognized school, in similar capacity. (more than 06 months service in an academic session will be treated as full session for the purpose of granting marks for experience)

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