IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of Health Services
National Medical Library

Engagement of Graduate & Diploma holder Library Professional Trainees in the National Medical Library, Dte.GHS, MoHFW for a period of 1 year (2023-2024).

NML is looking for young, enthusiastic, dynamic, fresh and qualified candidates with Bachelor/Two year diploma in Library and Information Science to work as a Library Trainee in the National Medical Library.

Number of positions:   total 09 (Nine only)

Stipend: Consolidated amount of Rs. 9,000/-per month is proposed for payment to each trainee holding Degree / Diploma in Library and Information Science from recognised University/Institute.

Eligibility Criteria:

Essential Qualification: BUS or Diploma in Library Science (2 years) from Recognized Institute / University on regular basis. Only fresh pass out candidates (who have completed their respective courses on regular basis in the year 2020 or later) can apply. Candidates who have passed the qualifying examination earlier than 2020 are not eligible. Candidate who are already been completed their training/worked in NML (previously) are not eligible for this training.
