IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Department of Library and Information Science
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh

Applications are invited from interested candidates for the position of Research Assistant in the Department of Library and Information Science, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh under ICSSR (IMPRESS) Research funded Project.

Project Title:Access to libraries for persons with disabilities: An investigation into the library facilities and services in India"


Name of the Post

Research Assistant

No. of Post

01 (One) 



Essential Educational Qualification

Ph.D/ M.PhiL/Post Graduate in any Social Sciences discipline

with minimum 55% marks

Age limit

35 years

Remuneration and Emoluments

Rs. 20 000/- consolidated per month

Duration of the project

Two years.

Initial appointment will be made for a period of six months which may be extendable based on the requirements of the project.


Application Process:Eligible candidates are requested to send their CV along with the covering letter and self-attestadocurnents to undersigned on or before the last date.Applications can also be sent through e-mail at:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The last date for receipt of the applications along with all the relevant documents (i.e. essential educational qualification, age, as well as documents to support essential criteria) is 20-12-2019.


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