Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti - Exam 2016 (11/12/2016)

TGT (Library Science)

Question Paper with Answer


Q. 121. Identify the relevant provisions / denotations from the following as given u/s 2(J) of IT Act, 2000(substituted vide ITAA-2008) pertaining to the meaning of "Computer Network" as inter connection of one or more computers or computer systems or communication device through :


A) use of satellite, microwave, terrestrial line, wire, wireless, or other communication media.

B) Terminals or a complex consisting of two or more inter-connected computers or communication device, whether or not the interconnection is continuously maintained.

C) terminals connected to each other through coaxial cables.

D) terminals are interlinked through optical fibers as a part of Wide Area Network.

(1) (a) and (b) are correct.

(2) (b) and (c) are correct.

(3) (c) and (d) are correct.

(4) (a) and (d) are correct.


Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions based on your under-standing of the contents given in the text. (Q. : 122-126)


'Indian Constitution prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, religion, caste, sex or place of birth. Itstands for equity and equality of opportunity in matters of public employment. Inequitable circumstances leading to socio-economic and educational deprivations have created imbalances insociety, affecting more severely the communities which for historical reasons and lack of resources have tended to remain backward. The Constitution has made provisions for safeguards (social, economic, educational, cultural, political, service) and protective measures to ensure all round development of weaker and disadvantaged sections. It also provides that states will promote educational and economic economic interests of weaker sections of society, in particular scheduled castes and tribes. The National Policy on Education (1986, 1992) and its programme of action (1992), have identified special measures for fulfilling the constitutional commitments to scheduled tribes which include opening of primary schools, Aanganwadis, non-formal and adult education centres, construction of school buildings in tribal areas, development of curricula and instructional materials in tribal languages so as to render tribal students switch over to regional languages in course of time. The priorities also include establishment of residential schools, formulation of incentive schemes and scholarships for higher education, and designing curriculum at all stages to create awareness of the rich cultural identity of tribal people and their enormous creative talent. Various short term and long term measures as indicated in the programme of action on National Policy on Education (1992) have been identified for this purpose. A number of welfare, administrative and educational provisions have been made to improve the situation in respect of Scheduled Tribes. Funds have also been earmarked for the educational upliftment of this group under Tribal Sub Plan. The major programmes of Elementary Education viz. District Primary Educational Programme, Lok Jumbish, Shiksha Karmi, Education Guarantee Scheme and Alternative and Innovative Education and the National Programme for Nutritional Support to Primary education have accorded priority to areas with concentration of scheduled tribes. Scheduled Tribes deserve a high priority in any programme of elementary education and the main reason is that a large majority of the tribal children who are not part of the formal system of education come from this group.


122. Why Scheduled Tribes deserve a high priority in any program of elementary education?


(1) Manifold increase in literacy rate of non-tribals.

(2)  A large chunk of tribal children are not part of the formal system of education.

(3)  There is a rising trend of Anganawadi Kendras functioning in the country.

(4) Parents of tribal students are unwilling to admit their wards in Govt. schools apprehending reduction in the future earnings.


123. What special measures the national policy of education and its program of action have identified to fulfill the constitutional commitments to Scheduled Tribes ?


 (1) Provision of opening more number of health centers in tribal areas.

(2) Opening of more private colleges and universities.

(3) Opening of primary schools and Anganawadies, Non-formal and adult education centers, construction of school buildings and development of curricula and instructional materials in tribal languages.

(4) Funding recreational centers for tribal children.


124. What does the Indian Constitution prohibits?


(1) Discrimination on the ground of education

(2) Discrimination on the ground of fiscal status

(3) Discrimination on the ground of employment

(4) Discrimination on the ground of race, religion, caste, sex and place of birth


125. Identify the factor that led to socio-economic and educational deprivations resulting imbalances in society and tended to remain backward.


(1) Poor infrastructure

(2) Population explosion

(3) Inequitable circumstances and unfair resources

(4) inequitable gender ratio


126. What other priorities did the National Policy on Education and its programmes identified to meet constitutional commitments for tribals?


( 1 ) Establishment of community centers for disabled persons.

(2) Establishment of residential schools, incentive schemes and scholarships for higher education and measures to protect their creative talents.

(3) Establishment of rehabilitation centers for senior citizens.

(4) Forming co-operative societies to market forest products.


127. The National Archives of India received Netaji S.C. Bose papers on 4.12.2015 from


(1) Imperial Record Department, NAI, Kolkata

(2) National Mission for Manuscripts, New Delhi

(3) National Film Archives of India, I & B Ministry, New Delhi

(4) PMO, New Delhi


 128. An increase in the level of `specificity' of indexing languages results in :


(1) Increase in Noise

(2) Increase in Recall

(3) Increase in Precision

(4) Increase in both Precision and Recall


129. The term 'Geometrical Progression' is used in expressing information explosion is alternatively used for :


 (1) Normal mode of distribution

(2) Exponential growth

(3) Arithmetic growth

(4) Linear growth


130. The 'Imperial Library' was opened for public use on :


(1) 29th Jan., 1901

(2) 30th Jan., 1903

(3) 28th Feb., 1906

(4) 4th Feb., 1948


131. In which year the Indian Library Association was established?


(1) 1925

(2) 1928

(3) 1931

(4) 1933


 132. A library which is responsible for collecting and conserving the whole of that country's book production for the benefit of future generations is known as :


(1) Public library

(2) Special library

(3) Academic library

(4) National library


 133. 'The UNESCO Public Library Manifesto', 1949 which became the basis for development of public libraries in a number of developing countries including India was revised in the year.


(1) 1984

(2) 1991

(3) 1994

(4) 2004


 134. Identify the date on which the 'Right to Information Bill" was passed in parliament.


 (1) 4th May, 2005

(2) 3rd June, 2005

(3) 15th June, 2005

(4) 15th July, 2016


 135. The earliest writing material used was


(1) Clay tablet

(2) Vellum

(3) Palmleaves

(4) Papyrus


 136. Which of the fundamental law of library science strongly advocates for `open access' of library stack?


(1) First law

(2) Second law

(3) Third law

(4) Fourth law


 137. Which of the following is not a "Library Extension Activity"?


(1) Book exhibition

(2) Film show

(3) Inter library lending

(4) Lectures and book talks


 138. Corollary for second law of library science is :


(1) Books for all

(2) Free book service

(3) Free library service

(4) Books every where


 139. Which among the following is a referral tool?


(1) Worldcat

(2) Union catalogue

(3) Agricat



140. How many states in India have enacted the Public Library Act?


(1) 19

(2) 21

(3) 23

(4) 25


141. Identify the process with which the two concepts — 'how to represent information' and 'how to interpret its structure', to a large extent, are considered as the most formidable problems and challenges — both for humans and computers involved in the process of :


(1)Thesaurus building

(2) Preparing abstract

(3) Developing strings

(4) Information retrieval


 142. P. Luhn responsible for innovating computerized S.D.I. service and is also credited with the design of an automated indexing system known as


(1) Keyword indexing

(2) Uniterm indexing


(4) KWIC


143. 23rd edition of DDC is published in which year?


(1) 2010

(2) 2011

(3) 2012

(4) 2014


 144. In the Medical Science main class of CC, the isolate 'Treatment' is categorizes as:


(1) Personality Isolate

(2) Matter Isolate

(3) Energy Isolate

(4) Time Isolate


 145. Worldcat' is the product of


(1) Library of Congress

(2) The British Library


(4) OCLC


 146. The classification scheme which uses two or more species of digits, the notation of such scheme is known as


 (1) Complex notation

(2) Compound notation

(3) Pure notation

(4) Mixed notation


 147. 'Principle of Literary Warrant' deals with the


 (1) Forms of literature

(2) Inclusion of subjects in a classification scheme

(3) Police warrant

(4) Leadership styles


 148. The series of digital media files (either audio or video) released episodically which can be downloaded through web syndication are known as:


(1) Tagging

(2) Podcasting

(3) Blogging

(4) Flicker


 149. The first edition of DDC consisted of


(1) 04 pages

(2) 144 pages

(3) 44 pages

(4) 224 pages


 150. The primary distinction between RDA and AACR is:


(1) Structural

(2) Relational

(3) Non-structural

(4) Combinational


 151. Which one of the following pairs is not correct?


(1) Rider — Classification

(2) Bradford — Documentation

(3) Lancaster — Paperless society

(4) Vickery — Cataloguing


152. ERIC is sponsored by:


(1) US National Health Institute

(2) Health and Rehabilitation Services Division, ALA

(3)Department of Education, Govt. of USA.

(4) Health Science Information Center, USA.


 153. Identify the year in which the first free and easy to download internet browser (that spurred general public use of the internet and led commercial content providers to offer their products to libraries as online resources) was released


(1) 1983

(2) 1985

(3) 1993

(4) 2003


154. Considerating all internet users in India equally without discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment or mode of communication is known as :


(1) Preferrential Net

(2) Favoured Net

(3) Reactive Net

(4) Net Neutrality


155. Where was India's first computer installed?


(1) IIT, Delhi

(2) IISc, Bangalore

(3) Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.

(4) Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta


156. CALIBER is an annual professional event organized by:


(1) SIS


(3) NIC



157. Which of the following is not a web Browser?


(1) Internet Explorer

(2) Safari

(3) Apache

(4) Firefox


158. Who is credited with the development of the "blue prints" for the first digital computer?


(1) Blaise Pascal

(2) William Seward Burroughs

(3) Charles Babbage

(4) Herman Hollerith


 159. Which one of the following is termed a combination of input and output devices?


(1) VDU

(2) Keyboard

(3) Printer

(4) Laser Jet


160. Which was the World's first microcomputer that used Intel 80386 microprocessor chip?


(1) IBM PS/2

(2) HP - 9830

(3) DeskPro - 386

(4) IBM — 360


161. What is the name of the hardware and software package that is ready for use as soon as it is installed?


(1) Hands-on system

(2) Quick Implementation System

(3) Turn-key Computer System

(4) Operational System


162. Which computer memory is essentially empty?


(1) RAM

(2) ROM




 163. The e-governance initiative `Choupal' was made in promotion of


(1) Agriculture

(2) Education

(3) Transport

(4) Taxation and Revenue


164. Demand theory of book selection is suggested by:


(1) Melvil Dewey

(2) S.R. Ranganathan

(3) T.D. Wilson

(4) Mc Colvin


165. Which of the following is a non-impact printer?


(1) Drum Printer

(2) Line Printer

(3) Chain Printer

(4) Laser Printer


166. A computer program that translates one program instruction at a time into machine language is called


(1) Interpreter

(2) CPU

(3) Compilor

(4) Simulator


167. Which of the following is not a relational database?


(1) dBase — III Plus

(2) 4th Dimension

(3) FoxPro

(4) Reflex


168. Recall and Precision Ratio are usually used in the evaluation of:


(1) Reference Service

(2) Information Retrieval

(3) Bibliographic service

(4) Document delivery service


169. The Newark Charging System was introduced in the year:


(1) 1896

(2) 1900

(3) 1929

(4) 1940


170. In order to keep an automatic check on the receipt of subscribed Magazines in the library, the 'three card system' was first introduced by


(1) Melvil Dewey

(2) S.R. Ranganathan

(3) J.H. Shera

(4) Michel Gorman


171. 'Glossaries' are the essential tools to over come:


(1) Language barrier

(2) Jargon barrier

(3) Economic barrier

(4) Cultural barrier


172. The concept of 'Microphotography' was developed by :


(1) Johan Gutenberg

(2) Chester Carlson

(3) John Benjamin Dancer

(4) Ohi Battre


173. What is the periodicity of INB?


(1) Quarterly

(2) Monthly

(3) Weekly

(4) Annual


174. 'World of Learning' is a:


(1) Directory

(2) Dictionary

(3) Bibliography

(4) Catalogue


175. Which of the following is an appropriate attribute of "Ephemeral Literature"?


(1) Literature having high archival value

(2) Literature of antiquity containing most precious information

(3) Literature that unfolds the cultural posterity of a state or community

(4) Any transitory written or printed matter, not intended to be retained or preserved and having temporal value.


176. Who among the following recognized the three theories of reference service, namely, conservative, moderate and liberal?


(1) William A. Katz

(2) James I. Wyer

(3) S.R. Ranganathan

(4) M.S. Sable


177. The term 'Clustering' is IR denotes:


(1) Grouping together of records that have similar frequency distributions for attribute values.

(2) A method of computing the degree of closeness between two specific records.

(3) A measure that do not allow a test to see in which cluster, a new document would fall.

(4) A device that help to form groups according preordained criteria to a preordained criteria.


178. DOAJ, world's largest, free, full text, and quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals directory was hosted by:


(1) Stanford University

(2) Library of Congress

(3) Lund University

(4) OCLC


179. Melvin Voigt identified three users approach to types of information, which one of them belong to the document delivery service?


(1) Backup approach

(2) Current approach

(3) Exhaustive approach

(4) Everyday approach


180. Assertion (A): The reliability of information contained in 'Grey Literature' varies widely, depending on the source and motivation of the publisher. Reason (R): Since a large chunk of grey literature are self published having perpetual and archival value there is no need to contact the writer to get additional background information before relying on the material.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is false, but (R) is true.

(4) (A) is true, but (R) is false.


181. Assertion (A) : Library standards are essential for interaction and collaboration among libraries. 
Reason (R) : Z39.50 protocol has minimized the efforts of classifier and cataloguer.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


182. Assertion (A) : Most of the Institutions around the world now use 'impact' for measuring their institutional productivity. Reason (R) : All the articles published in an impact factor (IF) journal are of equal quality.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


183. Assertion (A) : Library automation has considerably reduced the workload of the 21' century librarians. Reason (R) : Computerisation of repeated jobs in a functional library are done at ease and much faster than the humans, there by helps in saving the valuable time of the library staff.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true


184. Assertion (A) : Traditionally, libraries are considered as non-profit organisations. Reason (R): By marketing information products and services, the 21s` century libraries are becoming self sustainable.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


185. Assertion (A): Precision in the fraction of the documents retrieved that are irrelevant to the user's information needs. Reason (R): In practical situations, recall and precision are always in inverse relation.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


186. Assertion (A) : Organising and preserving information through LOCKOSS is more effective than subscribing archive. Reason (R): Any information available in digital form cannot be archived using in house software.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


187. Assertion (A): The efficiency of a scheme of library classification depends upon the dynamic nature of the theory of library classification pertaining to the idea plane. Reason (R): No theory in the idea plane can be developed without examining the mode of development of universe of subjects first which is the field of work in library classification.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


188. Assertion (A): Sharing of resources can ensure the optimal utilization of library resources and services is better and cost effective. Reason (R): Cloud computing relies on sharing of resources and helpful for libraries of 21" century.



(1) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(2) Both (A) and (R) are false.

(3) (A) is true, but (R) is false.

(4) (A) is false, but (R) is true.


189. Which one of following pairs correctly matched?











I. Academia.

1. Plagiarism education software
























4. Social Networking Site

5. IPR











































190. Identify the following states in their correct ascending order according to the year of enactment of their Public Library Laws.


(1) Goa, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh.

(2) Gujarat, Goa, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh.

(3) Uttar Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Gujarat

(4) Arunachal Pradesh, Goa, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat


191. Which one of the following pair is correctly matched?












List-I (Classificationist)

List-II (Classification Scheme)









C.A. Cutter


Bibliographic classification









J.D. Brown


Expansive classification









S.R. Ranganathan


Subject classification




















H.E. Bliss


Colon classification





 Decimal classification









 192. Which one of following pairs correctly matched?











List-I (Organisations)

List-II (Source of Information Published)
































Trade Literature
















Thesis and Dissertations














Thomas Reuters
















193. Identify the approaches from the following, that are most appropriate and usually employed to study the needs of the users:


(i) Analysis of the problems or decisions the users face, and collection of users' statements, about their needs.

(ii) Examining the past use and assuming that it reflects future needs.

(iii) studying the anticidents of the user and his attitude towards human values.

(iv) Experimentation of users contribution to nation building.

Codes :

(1) (i) and (iv) are correct.

(2) (i) and (ii) are correct.

(3) (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(4) (i) and (iii) are correct.


194. Which one of the following pair is correctly matched?









Kolhapuri chappals




Pepsi Logo








Music CD of "PK"





Technology for touch screen

























































195. Identify the most appropriate features of user oriented evaluations (UOES) that distinguish from other evaluation of information services and systems as suggested by D. Ellis;


(i) focus on information services and systems and their operational environment.

(ii) responsibility for carrying out the evaluation as being that of information professionals working in that operational environment.

(iii) intension of evaluation is to improve the information system or service and tend to be essentially qualitative, holistic small scale and diagnostic nature.

(iv) focus on information management, cost benefit analysis with stress on quantitative non-holistic, large scale and macro evaluation approach.


(1) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(2) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(3) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(4) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.


196. The term 'soft-skills' denotes : 

(i) a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and a compatible co-worker ;

(ii) a secret weapon in job-hunt

(iii) skills that are not easily measurable

(iv) ability to read, write and express oneself verbally


(1) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(2) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(3) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(4) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.


197. According to Ranganathan, choosing the name of the Government as a whole for the heading in cataloging would represent :


(i) by the name of its territory.

(ii) term to be used in heading is to be in favoured language of the library to be taken from an official source.

(iii) Writing all the letters in a bold, upright hand, detached from one another and to put up a full stop at the end of the section.

(iv) Writing all letters in lower case letters and a semicolon at the end of the section.


(1) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(2) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

(3) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(4) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.


198. Identify the attributes of 'Informal communication' as stated by F.W. Lancaster;


(i) Communication through conversations Personal

(ii)through telephone or face to face

(iii) Through written letters

(iv) Through newspaper adds


Codes :

(1) (i) and (ii) are correct.

(2) (ii) and (iv) are correct.

(3) (iii) and (ii) are correct.

(4) (i) and (iii) are correct.


199. Primary sources of information include :


(i) Thesis

(ii) Geographical indications

(iii) Conference Article

(iv) Book


(1) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(2) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(3) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct.

(4) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct.


200. Which of the following is/are related to / associated with Open Access Initiatives:


(i) Creative commons

(ii) DOAJ

(iii) FOSS

(iv) GNU

(1) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(2) (i) and (ii) are correct.

(3) (ii) and (iii) are correct

(4) (i), (ii) and (iii) are correct.



 Question Paper   Answer Key