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Library and Information Science


Question Paper -  LIBRARY SCIENCE

Exam held 17 JULY 2016


Q. 1 Which organisation applied Library and Information Policy in India at national level. 






Q. 2 UNISIST is a 

(A) Software

(B) A Programme

(C) Welfare association

(D) A committee


Q. 3 Who said that “Librarianship is not a profession”? 

(A) Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron

(B) Goode, Rossi, Shaffer, Gullis

(C) Dewey, Rundey, Reeves, Aishen

(D) Ranganathan, Dewey, Cutter


Q.4 Where was the first library noticed in India? 

(A) Taxila

(B) Nalanda

(C) Vallabhi

(D) Sravasti


Q.5 Resource sharing is a part of 

(A) Library cooperation

(B)Library Administration

(C)Library Management

(D)Library Cataloging


Q.6 The five laws of Library Science published in the book form in the year 






Q.7 The Librarian Day celebrated on 

(A) 15th Sep

(B) 24th Nov

(C) 11th Dec

(D) 12th Aug


Q.8 Forms of Extension service 

(A) Library Websites

(B) Library Orientation

(C) Book fair and Exhibition

(D) All


Q.9 Encyclopedia of library and Information Science is published by : 

(A) H. W. Wilson

(B) R. R. Bowker

(C) Marcel Dekker

(D) Andrew Deutsch


Q.10. What is the Thesaurus? 

(A) A collection of selected terminology

(B) Synonymous terms

(C) List of words

(D) All of the above


Q.11. Cumulative book index is published from 

(A) India


(C) Canada

(D) Thailand


Q.12. Word of learning is Published by 

(A) Asian events

(B) Keesing’s

(C) Europa publication

(D) Harper & Row


Q.13. The concept of Scientific Management was introduced by 

(A). Henry Fayol

(B). C.I. Barnard

(C). Peter Druck

(D). F.W. Taylor


Q.14. ISBN contains 

(A). 6 digits

(B). 8 digits

(C). 10 digits

(D). (13) digits


Q.15. Theory X and Theory Y were formulated by 

(A) Douglas Murray McGregor

(B) Peter Drucker

(C) Abraham Maslow

(D) F. W. Taylor


Q.16. BSO in classification stands for 

(A) Basic Subject of Organisation

(B) Broad Subject Ordering

(C) Bibliography of Subject Ordering

(D) Bibliographic Subject Organisation


Q.17. The concept of Selective Dissemination of Information ( SDI ) was introduced by 

(A) Kaiser

(B) Luhn of IBM

(C) S. R. Ranganathan

(D) Derek Austin


Q.18. Herzberg’s is two factor theory deals with : 

(A) Staff recruitment

(B) Leadership

(C) Decision making

(D) Motivation


Q.19. Conference proceedings are considered as..................documents. 

(A) Conventional

(B) Primary

(C) Secondary

(D) Tertiary


Q.20. Glossary is a : 

(A) List of technical words with definitions

(B) List of words in a language

(C) List of thematically arranged words

(D) Alphabetical index to passages of work


Q. 21. Shelf list facilitates................ . 

(A) Classification

(B) Weeding out

(C) Stock verification

(D) Documentation


Q. 22. CRG stands for : 

(A) Committee for Rural Grant

(B) Classification Research Group

(C) Committee for Ranganathan Guild

(D) Classic Research Grant


Q.23. Which of the following is not a “Graphic representation” ? 

(A) Pie Chart

(B) Bar Chart

(C) Table

(D) Histogram


Q. 24. Staffing is concerned with providing and maintaining................resources. 

(A) Physical

(B) Technical

(C) Human

(D) Financial


Q.25 'Kinesis' is related to

(A) Communication

(B) Generation

(C) Storage

(D) None of these


Q.26 Who said 'some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested' ?

(A) John Milton

(B) William Jones

(C) Francis Bacon

(D) Benjamin Franklin


Q.27 Library Legislation refers to the development of

(A) Academic Libraries

(B) Special Libraries

(C) Public Libraries

(D) None of the above


Q.28 UNIMARC was developed under the umbrella of




(D) None of the above


Q.29 JSTOR is an online system for archiving and accessing academic journals. It is located in

(A) Germany

(B) UK


(D) Budapest


Q.30 INSDOC has been merged with NISCOM and is now known as






Q. 31. Computer Memory is measured in

(A) Bytes

(B) Kilobytes

(C) Megabytes

(D) All of the above


Q.32  Retrospective search service is a type of

(A) Referral service

(B) Responsive service

(C ) CAS



Q.33 Year book are also known as

(A) Hand book

(B) Annual

(C ) Directory

(D) Dictionary


Q.34 What is India: A reference annual?

(A) Year Book

(B) Almonac

(C ) Gide book

(D) Hand book


Q.35 What is Trade bibliography?

(A) List of Author Bibliography

(B) List of Special Bibliography

(C ) List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher

(D) List of books of trade Library


Q. 36 Which of the following is not the documents?

(A) Manuscript

(B) Book

(C) Inscription

(D) Periodical


Q.37 What are non- documentary sources?

(A) Which are in printed form.

(B)Which are in not printed form

(C) Which are nor documents

(D) None of these


Q.38 What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.?

(A) Globe

(B) Gazetteer

(C) Atlas

(D) Map


Q. 39  Which service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile?


(B) Information retrieval


(D) Reference service


Q. 40  CAS is defined as

(A) A process of dissemination of information

(B) A process of information

(C) A process of dissemination of current information

(D) A simple information service


Q.41 The person who provides reference service is called

(A) Chief librarian

(B) Grade One Librarian

(C) Deputy Librarian

(D) Reference Librarian


Q.42 What is the another name of Added entries?

(A) Main entry

(B) Cross reference entry

(C) Secondary entries

(D) Subject entry


Q.43 How many Auxiliary tables are there in DDC 23rd Edition

(A) 16

(B) 6

(C) 7

(D) 8


Q.44 Sear’s List of Subject Headings (SLSH) is mainly useful for

(A) Small and medium libraries

(B) Special libraries

(C) Academic libraries

(D) College libraries


Q.45  . In which year DDC 23rd edition was published

(A) 2000

(B) 2011

(C) 2003

(D) 2010


Q.46 Call Number of a Book Means

(A) Book Number

(B) Class Number

(C) Both (A) and (B) are true

(D) None of the above


Q.47 “POSDCORB” coined by

(A) Peter F. Drucker

(B) Harold Koontz

(C) F.W. Taylor

(D) Luther Gulick


Q.48 Herzberg’s theory deals with

(A) Staffing

(B) Directing

(C) Motivation

(D) Planning


Q.49 How many digits have in the ISSN

(A) 10

(B) 8

(C) 13

(D) 15


Q.50 Main use of Shelf list is

(A) Cataloging

(B) Circulation

(C) Stock Verification

(D) Book Selection


Q.51 Which national agency in India is responsible for assigning the ISBN




(D) National Library of India


Q.52 Financial support given to libraries are of two types - Recurring and

(A) Ad-hoc

(B) Endowments

(C) Annual

(D) Non-recurring


Q.53 Scrutiny of financial transactions is called

(A) Budgeting

(B) Programming

(C) Accounting

(D) Auditing


Q.54 What are the two parts of the annual report of the library

(A) Primary and Secondary

(B) Analytical and Systematic

(C) Upper and Lower

(D) Descriptive and Statistical


Q.55 How many columns are there in the accession register?

(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 14

(D) 16


Q. 56 Who introduced Three card system

(A) Krishan Kumar

(B) C. K. Sharma

(C) Cutter

(D) S. R. Ranganathan


Q.57 Study carrels are exclusive areas meant for……………

A. students

B. public

C. women

D. researchers


Q.58. Library catalogue cards are filed in specially designed. drawers called ________

A. Charging tray

B. Catalogue cabinet

C. Display rack .

D. Filling equipment


Q.59 …………….categorises documents into three types such as primary, secondary and.


A. Grogan

B. Skeltor

C. SR. Ranganathan

D. Hanson


Q.60 One of the book selection principles states that “the best reading for the largest number at the ……………Cost.”

A. maximum

B. medium

C. least

D. zero


Q.61 ________ is a legal document and can be used as a source of industrial information.

A. Report

B. Law Review

C. Patent

D. Specification   


Q.62 ISBN stands for ________

A. Integrated Services Bibliographic Network

B. Indian Standard Book Number

C. International Standard Book Number

D. International Standard for Book and Non- book


Q.63 Technical section performs mainly two functions namely classification and……….

A. accessioning

B. bills payment

C. cataloguing

D. shelving


Q.64 . PRECIS was developed by Derek Austin for use in the ________






Q.65 Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred to as .

A. Shelving

B. Stock verification

C. Shelf rectification

D. Shifting


Q.66  The objective of library binding is ________of the library materials.

A. Proper organisation

B. accessibility.

C. durability

D. humidity control


Q.67 All part and pages of a volume are correctly sequenced in the first stage of binding process known as?

A. sewing

B. guard

C. pulling

D. collation


Q.68 The term "Cyberspace" was first used by _________________

(A) Andrew Pollock

(B)William Gibson

(C) John Postal

(D) Joe Flower


Q.69 NICNET and INDONET are the networks of which category?




(D) IN


Q.70  What is a bug?

(A) Computer Virus

(B) Error in Computer Configuration

(C) Error in a Programme

(D) None of these


Q.71 INTERNET was initially developed by US Department of

(A) Commerce

(B) Defense

(C) Interior

(D) State


Q.72  LYCOS is a

(A) search engine

(B) programming language

(C) database

(D) database vendor


Q.73 What is the full form of ERNET?

(A) Engineering Network

(B) Eastern Regional Network

(C) Electronic Research Network

(D) Education and Research Network


Q.74 Which network in India provided the first e-mail service in the country?






Q.75  The Electronic Library is......................

(A) A Magazine

(B) A Journal Name

(C) A Library

(D) An Encyclopedia


Q.76 The CCF was developed by

1. LC



4. FID


Q.77 Who is the first editor of “Modern Librarian”?

(A) F.Monbrary Volte

(B) Dr. S. R. Ranganathan

(C) J. D. Brown

 (D) Krishan Kumar


Q.78 Reference sources are those

(A) Which are large in size

 (B) Which are read at home easily

(C) Which used to obtain particular information

(D) Which are costly


Q.79  What is National bibliography?

(A) List of books of National Library

(B) List of books published in a particular Nation

(C) List of books written by National government

(D) List of books on a nation


Q.80. In which year DDC 23rd edition was published

(A) 2000

(B) 2011

 (C) 2003

(D) 2010