Syllabus for Semi-Professional Assistant and Professional Assistant


Semi-Professional Assistant (Library)

Part- I

1. English Language Proficiency

2. Reasoning

3. Numerical Ability

4. ICT

5. Library Cataloguing

6. Library Management and innovative practices


Part- II (Only those who qualifies in Part-I) Skill test on usage of Library Softwares and Computer applications.


Professional Assistant (Library)

Library and Society Unit – I: Library as a Social Institution; Impact of Libraries on Social, Political, Economical, and Cultural aspects Unit – II: Types of Libraries – Public, Academic and Special Libraries; Library Movement in India Unit- III: Library Legislation; Public Library Act; Delivery of Books and Newspapers (Public Library) Act; Intellectual Property Rights – Copyright Act Unit-IV: Library Associations and Professional Associations – ALA; CILIP; ILA; IATLIS Unit –V: Library Networks and Library development – RRRLF; UGC- INFLIBNET

Library Management Unit –I: Management – Concept; Definition; School of Thoughts - Scientific and Behavioural; POSDCORB Unit - II Library Sections and Routines – Acquisition, Processing and Circulation Unit – III Resource Management – Material and Personnel; Material Selection, Maintenance such as shelving and stock rectification, stock verification, Binding; Personnel management – recruitment, training, motivation, etc. Unit – IV: Budget and Budgeting – Types (budgetary control system); Sources of income to various types of libraries: Public – Library cess; Academic – Matching Grant, Plan grant, etc. Unit – V: Library Records; Statistics; Reports

Library Classification Unit –I: Library Classification – Concept; Definition; Need and Purpose Unit – II: Library Classification – Types: General and Special; General classification schemes – Colon Classification; Dewey Decimal Classification; Universal Decimal Classification Unit- III: Classification Principles - Canons and Laws Unit – IV: Facet and Facet analysis – Fundamental Categories (PMEST); AnalyticoSynthetic approach Unit – V: Notation – Types; Characteristics

Library Cataloguing Unit- I: Library Cataloguing – Concept; Definition; Need and Purpose Unit –II: Library Catalogues – Types – Physical forms and Inner forms - Alphabetical, Classified, and Alphabetico-Classed; Bibliography; Trade catalogues; BookSellers catalogues Unit-III: Cataloguing Standards – ISBDs; Cataloguing Codes – Classified Catalogued Code of Ranganathan, Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules Unit- IV: International Standards – MARC – CCF; UNIMAR MARC21; Metadata – Metadata standards – Dublin Core Unit – V: Subject Cataloguing – Sears’ List of Subject Headings, LCSH 

Information Sources Unit-I: Information Sources – Types – primary, secondary, and tertiary; Print Vs. Electronic resources; Human Vs. Institutional Unit-II: Evaluation of Information Sources – Criteria Unit-III: Secondary Sources: Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Indexing and Abstracting Sources, Directory, Biographical Sources; Geographical Sources Unit-IV: Electronic Information Sources - Databases; Fulltext databases Unit-V: Information Sources – Discipline-oriented sources – Pubmed; INSPEC; etc; UGC-Infonet; Open Sources


Information Services Unit-1: Reference Services - Types: Ready reference and Long range reference services; User education; Information literacy Unit-II: Literature search – Bibliography compilation and Bibliographical services Unit-III: Current Awareness Services – SDI Unit-IV: Indexing and Abstracting services Unit-V: Reprography, Translation and other specialized services

Computer and Computer Application Unit-I: Computer – Definition; Characteristics; Classification of Computers Unit- II Computer Hardware – Generations; Input and Output Devices; Secondary Storage Devices Unit-III Computer Software – Meaning; Types – System Software and Application Software; Operating System – Single-user vs. Multi-user; Open Sources vs, Proprietary Unit-IV Database – Concept; Database Management System (DBMS) – Concepts; Functions; Packages Unit- V: Library Automation - Need; Areas for library automation; Library automation software packages – Proprietary vs. Open


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