Professional Assistant/Semi Professional Assistant:

a.General Knowledge:Indian History, Indian Geography, Indian Economy, Indian Polity& Constitution, Current Affairs-India & World.

b.Reasoning Ability:AnalogiesSemantic Analogy, Symbolic/ Number Analogy, FiguralAnalogy, Similarities & Differences, Word building, Relationship concepts, ArithmeticNumber seriesSemantic Series, Number Series, Coding & decodingSmall & Capitalletters/ numbers coding, decoding & classification.

c.Numerical Ability:Number System, Time & Work, Averages, Percentages, Profit &Loss, Ratio & Proportion, Simple & Compound Interest, Time & Distance.

d.General English:Comprehension, One-word substitution, Synonyms & Antonyms,Spelling error, spotting error in sentences, Grammar-Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb,Preposition, Conjunction, Use of ‘A’, ‘AN’ & ‘The’, Idioms & Phrases.


e.Domain Knowledge:

1.Types of Libraries and their Features

2.Role of Libraries in Contemporary Society

3.Five Laws of Library Science

4.Library Legislation in different States of India

5.Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

6.National and International Library Associations: ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, SIS, IFLA, FID,ALA, ASLIB, SLA, etc.

7.National and International Agencies: UNESCO, OCLC, RRRLF, UGC, INFLIBNET,DELNET, etc.


9.Basic Terminology: Call Number, Class Number, Book Number, Isolates

10.Classification: Concept, Purpose and Species

11.Features of DDC, UDC and CC

12.Notation: Definition and Purpose

13.Five Fundamental Categories

14.Library Catalogue: Definition and Purpose

15.OPAC and WebOPAC

16.Canons of Classification and Cataloguing

17.Principles of Book Selection

18.Selection Tools: Print and Non-Print Materials

19.Processing of Documents: Accessioning, Classification, Cataloguing, Labeling and Shelving

20.Serials/Journals: Selection and Procurement

21.Book Transaction Systems: Traditional and Modern

22.Stock Verification of Books: Methods and Tools

23.Weeding Process

24.Information Sources: Print and Non-Print; Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sources

25.Types of Dictionaries, Encyclopedias

26.Geographical and Biographical Sources

27.Indexing and Abstracting Sources

28.Types of Bibliographies

29.Biographical Sources

30.Types of Reference Services: Ready Reference Service and Long Range ReferenceService

31.Reference Librarian: Role, Skills and Competences

32.User Education/Information Literacy Skills


34.International Information Systems: INIS, AGRIS, MEDLARS/MEDLINE, INSPEC

35.Information Seeking Pattern

36.Computer Genesis

37.Computer Generations

38.Primary and Secondary Memory; Storage Devices

39.Operating Systems: MSDOS, Windows, Linux

40.Programming: Algorithm, Flowcharts, Languages

41.MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS-Power Point, DBMS, CDS/ISIS, WINISIS

f. Descriptive= 100 Marks

i.Passage-20 Marks

ii. Paragraph Writing (Narrative/Descriptive)-15 Marks

iii.Report writing-20Marks

iv. Letter writing-20 Marks

v. Essay Writing-25 Marks

