Selection Process Schedule and Syllabus

INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Syllabus for the post of Scientist-C (Library Science)

Advt. No. 01/2024

Indicative Syllabus and Weightage for Screening Test

SI. No. Topics Weightage in %
  • Types of Libraries - Academic, Public and Special.
  • Library Legislation and Library Acts in Indian States; The Press and Registration of Books Act.
  • Laws of Library Science.
  • Professional Associations - National - ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS; International - IFLA, ALA, CILIP, ASLIB, SLA; Role of UGC, RRRLF and UNESCO in Promotion and Development of Libraries.
  • Library and Information Science Education in India.
  • Library Extension Activities.
  • Trends in Library and Information Science.
  • Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom.
  • Information Life Cycle - Generation, Collection, Storage and Dissemination.
  • Information Science - Relationship with other subjects, Information Society and Knowledge Society.
  • Communication — Concept, Types, Theories, Models, Channels and Barriers; Trends in Scholarly communication.
  • IPR and Legal Issues - Categories, Conventions, Treaties, Laws.
  • Right to Information Act (RTI); Information Technology Act.
  • National Knowledge Commission; National Mission on Libraries.
  • Information Literacy - Areas, Standards, Types and Models; Trends in Information Literacy.
  • Information Sources - Nature, Characteristics, Types and Formats.
  • Sources of Information - Primary, Secondary and Tertiary; Documentary and Non-Documentary.
  • Reference Sources - Bibliographical, Biographical, Educational, Language and Geographical.
  • Electronic Information Resources - Subject Gateways, Web Portals, Bulletin Boards, Discussion Forums/Group.
  • Databases: Bibliographic, Numeric, Full text, Multimedia; Open Access Databases.
  • Evaluation of Reference Sources and Web Resources.
  • Search and Discovery Services.
  • Library Resource Sharing and Library Consortia — National and International.
  • National Information Systems and Networks: NISCAIR, DESIDOC, SENDOC, ENVIS, INFLIBNET, DELNET, NICNET, ERNET, National Knowledge Network (NKN), Biotechnology Information System Network.
  • International Information Systems and Networks: AGRIS, INSPEC, MEDLARS, BIOSIS, ERIC, Patent Information System (PIS), Biotechnology Information System (BIS).
  • Type of Users - User Studies, User Education.
  • Community Information Services.
  • Reference Service — Concept and Types; Referral Services.
  • Alerting Services - CAS, SDI, Inter Library Loan and Document Delivery.
  • Mobile based Library Services and Tools — Mobile OPAC, Mobile Databases, Mobile Library Website, Library Apps, Mobile Library Instructions, Augmented Reality, SMS Alerts, Geo-Location, Reference Enquiry.
  • Web 2.0 and 3.0 - Library 2.0- Concept, Characteristics, Components; Instant Messaging, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, Vodcasts, Ask a Librarian.
  • Collaborative Services- Social Networks, Academics Social Networks, Social Tagging, Social Bookmarking.
  • Universe of Knowledge - Nature and Attributes; Modes of Formation of Subjects.
  • Knowledge Organisation - Classification -Theories, Canons, and Principles; Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS), Taxonomies, Folksonomy, Trends in Classification.
  • Mapping of Subjects in Library Classification Schemes — DDC, UDC and CC.
  • Knowledge Organisation: Cataloguing - Canons and Principles; Centralized and Co-operative Catalogue; Library Cataloguing Codes: CCC and AACR - II.
  • Standards of Bibliographic Record Formats and Description — ISBD, MARC 21, CCF, RDA, FRBR, Bibframe.
  • Standards for Bibliographic Information Interchange & Communication - ISO 2709, Z39.50, 239.71.
  • Metadata Standards: Dublin Core; MARC21, METS, MODES, EAD.
  • Indexing Systems and Techniques: Assigned - Pre-coordinate; Post-Coordinate; Derived- Title-based; Vocabulary Control.
  • Abstracting — Types and Guidelines.
  • Information Retrieval System — Features, Components, Models and Evaluation.
  • Ontology — Tools (RDF, RDFS, Protege).
  • Computer Technology - Character Representation (ASCII, ISCII, Unicode); Computer Hardware, Software; Storage Devices; Input and Output Devices.
  • Types of Software - System Software, Application Software.
  • Telecommunication - Transmission Channels, Mode, and Media, ISDN, PSDN.
  • Computer Networks - Topologies, Types of Networks — LAN, MAN, WAN.
  • Internet - Web browsers, WWW, E-mail; Search Engines, Meta and Entity Search engines.
  • Internet Protocols and Standards — HTTP, FTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, URI, URL.
  • Hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia, Video conferencing, Virtual Reality.
  • Cloud Computing.
  • Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, Data Mining, Data Harvesting.
  • Library Automation — Areas, Planning, Selection of Hardware and Software, Implementation and Evaluation; Standards for Library Automation.
  • Barcode, RFID, QR Code, Biometric, Smartcard: Features and Applications.
  • Digitization — Planning, Selection of Materials, Hardware, Software, Process, Issues.
  • Digital Library: Genesis, Characteristics, Types, Architecture; Standards, Formats and Protocols, DOI.
  • Digital Preservation - Need, Purpose, Standards, Methods, Techniques, Projects (National and International).
  • Digital Library Initiatives — National and International.
  • Institutional Repositories - Need, Purpose, Types and Tools; Institutional Repositories in India; ROAR, DOAR, SHERPA-ROMEO.
  • Content Management Systems — Architecture, Data Integration, CMS Software — Selection, Implementation and Evaluation.
  • Research
  • Types of Research - Basic and Applied, Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary.
  • Research Methods: Historical, Descriptive, Experimental and Delphi.
  • Research Design - Selection of Research Problem, Review of Literature; Formulation of Research Problem; Hypothesis- Formulation, Types and Testing; Sampling Techniques.
  • Methods of Data Collection.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation.
  • Plagiarism: Concept and Types.
  • Statistical Packages - Spreadsheet, SPSS, Bibexcel, 'IV Statistics.
  • Research Report Writing and Citation Tools - Structure, Style, Contents, Guidelines; Style Manuals; Online Citation Tools; Reference Management Tools; Evaluation of Research Report.
  • Metric Studies in LIS - Bibliometrics, Scientometric, Webometrics, Altmetrics; Impact Factors - Journal, h-Index, g-Index, i10 Index.
  • Trends in Library and Information Science Research.
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