Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan 

Syllabus for TGTs (Misc), Librarian - KVS    



Part 1: Foundation of Library & Information Science.


Unit.1. Library as an Social Institution 

  • Social & Historical foundations of Library.
  • Different types of libraries- Academic, Public, Special –their distinguishing features and functions.
  • Role of U.G.C. for development of Academic libraries.
  • Role in Library of formal and informal education.


Unit.2 Normative Principles of Lib. & Inf. Science

  • Five Laws of Library Science.
  • Implications of five laws in Lib. & Inf. Science
  • Development of Libraries with special reference to India, Baroda
  • Public Library system
  • Library Co-operation Resource Sharing and Library Networking.


Unit 4. Laws relating to Libraries & Information.

  • Library legislation need and essential features.
  • Library legislation in India.
  • Maharashtra Public Library Act.
  • Press and registration act & Delivery of Books act (Public Library).
  • Copyright act, Intellectual Property rights.
  • 5 Library and information Profession
  • Attribution of profession.
  • Librarianship as a profession.
  • Professional ethics.
  • Professional associations & their role.
  • National & International Library Associations- FID, IFLA, LA,
  • ILA, ALA, IASLIC etc.
  • Professional education & research.


Unit.6 Promoters of Library & Information services

  • National level promoters- RRRLF.
  • International level promoters- UNESCO


Unit 7. Public relations & Extension activities

  • Definition
  • facets and programs.
  • publicity & extension, Out reach activities.
  • Library path finders (Guides)
  • Factors affecting Library development, Literacy, publishing, Book Trade.


Part II : Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Retrieval.


Unit. 1. Universe of Knowledge

  • Structure and attributes.
  • Modes of formation of subjects.
  • Different types of subjects.
  • Universe of subjects as mapped in different schemes of classification.


Unit. 2 Bibliographic description

  • Catalogue purpose, Structure and types physical forms including OPAC filling rules.
  • Normative Principles of cataloguing.
  • Overview of principles and practice in document description.
  • Current trends in Standardization, description and exchange.
  • Standard codes of cataloguing.


Unit. 3. Methods of Knowledge Organization

  • General theory of Library Classification.
  • Normative principles of classification and their application.
  • Species of Library Classification.
  • Standard Schemes of Classifications and their features, CC, DDC, UDC.
  • Notation: Need, Functions, Characteristics
  • Design and development of schemes of Library Classification, Standard sub-division Index.
  • Trends in Library Classification.


Unit.4. Subject Classification

  • Principles of Subject Classification.
  • Subject heading lists and their feature.


Part III: Information Technology: Basic


Unit.1 Information Technology

  • Definition, Need, Scope and Objectives.


Unit. 2 Computer Basic (Hardware)

  • Introduction to Computers
  • Overview of Historical Development of Computers.
  • Generations of Computers, Classification of Computers.
  • Essential Components of Computer system.


Unit.3 Computer Architecture-Organization of Computer

  • Input and Output devices- Keyboard, Scanner, OCR, Printers, Monitor


Unit. 4. Software

  • Operating systems: Single & Multi User Systems, Basic features of MS-DOS, MS Windows, Linux, UNIX, Windows NT etc.
  • Programming Languages: Concepts and Tools
  • Algorithm & Flowcharting.


Unit. 5

  • Word Processors, Spread Sheet etc.


Unit. 6 DBMS Package

  • Familiarity with DBASE, FOXPRO, CDS/ISIS, SOUL, MS Access (Basic features)


Unit 7. Computer application to library & Information work

  • House keeping operations


Unit 8. Communication Technology

  • Communication Technology Basic Concepts
  • Networking: Basic Concepts.
  • Internet


Part IV: Management of Libraries & Information Centres/Institutions


Unit.1 Management

  • Concepts, definition and scope.
  • Management styles and approaches.
  • Management schools of thought.
  • Functions and principles of Scientific Management.


Unit.2 Human Resource Management

  • Organizational structure.
  • Delegation, Communication and Participation.
  • Job Description and Analysis, Job evaluation.
  • Inter-personal relation.
  • Recruitment procedures.
  • Motivation, group Dynamics.
  • Training and Development.
  • Disciplines and Grievances.
  • Performance Appraisal.


Unit.3. Financial Management

  • Resources Mobilization
  • Budgeting Techniques and Methods PPBS, Zero Based Budgeting etc.
  • Budgetary Control.
  • Cost effectiveness and Cost Benefit analysis.


Unit. 4 Reporting

  • Types of reports, Annual report-compilation, Contents and style.
  • Library Statistics etc.


Unit 5 System Analysis and Design

  • Library as a system
  • Project Management PERT/COM
  • Decision Tables.
  • Performance evaluation standards, MIS.
  • Performance Measurement, reengineering, Time and Motion Study
  • SWOT ( Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat)
  • DFD (Data Flow Diagram)


Unit 6. Total Quality Management (TQM)


  • Definition, Concept, Element
  • Quality Audit, LIS related standards.
  • Technology Management.

Unit. 7 Library House Keeping Operations.

  • Different sections of Library & Information Center and their functions.
  • Collection Development and Management Policies Procedures.
  • Book Ordering (Acquisition)
  • Technical Processing.
  • Serials Control, Circulation Control, Maintenance etc.
  • Stock Verification- Policies and Procedures.
  • Evaluation and Weeding.
  • Archiving-conservation-Preservation.
  • Restoration including Print, Non-Print and Electronic Materials.

Unit.8 Planning

  • Concept, Definition, Need and Purpose, Types.
  • Policies and Procedures, MBO
  • Building and Space management in Libraries and Information Centers.
  • Library Building, Interior & Exterior, Furniture, Equipment’s, Standards & Types.
  • Risk Management, Contingency Management.
  • Planning of related Infrastructure, Library Standards.


Unit 9. Management of change.

  • Concept of change.
  • Changes in Procedures, Methods, Tools and Techniques.
  • Problems of Incorporating Change.
  • Techniques of Managing Change.


Part V: Information Sources & Services


Unit 1. Reference and information sources.

  • Documentary Sources of Information, Print, Non-Print including Electronic: Special features, Scope, types
  • Nature, Characteristic, Utility and evaluation of different types of Information sources: Physical formats, Authority, Content, Utility.
  • Non-Documentary Information Sources.
  • Reference Sources Categories, Primary, Secondary & Tertiary Information Sources.(Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Periodical, Thesis, Books, Year book, Patents, Trade literature, standards, Monographs, Reference Books, Year Books, Almanac, Atlas, Abstracting & Indexing periodicals, Bibliographies, Handbooks etc.)
  • Internet as a Source of Information.


Unit.2. Reference Service.

  • Concept, Definition, Need, Scope and trends.
  • Reference Interview and Search Techniques.


Unit 3. Information Services and Products

  • Information services and Products.
  • Information services concepts, Definition, Need and trends.
  • Need, Techniques and Evaluation of Alerting services (CAS &SDI)
  • Bibliographic, Referral, Document Delivery and Translation Services.


Unit.4. Information System and their Services.

  • Study of National, International and Commercial Information Systems and Services- Background, their Services and Products.


Part VI: Library Users


Unit 1. Techniques of Library and Information Centres Survey.

  • Proforma method.
  • Interview method.
  • Records analysis method.

Unit.2. Information users and their information Needs

  • Categories of Information users.
  • Information needs definition and models.
  • Information seeking behaviour.

Unit.3 User Education

  • Goals and Objectives level, Techniques and Methods, Evaluation of Users Education Programmes.

Unit. 4. User Studies.

  • Methods and techniques of User studies.
  • Evaluation of User studies.

Unit 5. User Orientation Programmes:

  • Conventional and modern Techniques: Study tour, Newsletters, Handbooks, Leaflets, Powerpoint Presentation, Websites etc



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