Convention Planner 2024

12th Convention


September 19-21, 2024
Organised by
INFLIBNET Centre, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
in collaboration with
Rajiv Gandhi University, Arunachal Pradesh
Event Date
Convention Date Sept 19-21,2024
Paper Submission April 30, 2024
Paper Acceptance June 15, 2024
Convention Registration August 31, 2024

Libraries in AI Era: Applications and Perspectives

The Convention seeks high-quality technical papers related to the theme and sub-themes but not limited to the areas as specified below. We strongly encourage you to send the final version of your article electronically through online.

  • AI and Libraries
    • Open Science and AI
    • Generative AI
    • Ethical use of AI in Scholarly Communication
    • Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery
    • Data Analytic and Text Mining
  • Role of Libraries for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
    • Community Engagement and Outreach
    • Automated / Assisted Data Management
    • Training, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    • Best Practices and Case Studies
  • Indigenous Knowledge and Libraries
    • Knowledge / Data Repositories
    • Persistent Identifiers for Repositories
    • Best Practices and Case Studies