National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management, known as MANAGE

Online Seminar on Agricultural Information Services to Farmers

Dates:6-7,February 2023 

Your papers/articles may cover the following themes:
● Trends in agricultural knowledge management and information services
● Agricultural research information systems
● Agricultural marketing information systems
● Digital extension services to farmers
● Open access systems in agriculture
● Linked open data in agriculture
● Big data analytics for farmers
● Data analytics and data driven farming
● Role of agricultural libraries and information centers in disseminating information to farmers
and extensionists
● Role of Social Media in Agriculture
● Open education resources (OER) in agriculture
● Agricultural information networks.


The lastdate for Seminar Registration:                12,January 2023

Last date for submission of fullpaper/article:        27,January 2023


Whom to submit: The papers on the theme of the seminar may be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  on or before 27th January 2023


For all queries contact: Name: Aparna VR , 8951114892

