Nomination Guidelines

(for The Best Innovation in Library & Information Science)

Nomination Terms & Instructions


Submission of Nomination The Nomination forms are in two parts. These duly filled nomination forms, along with the Website/URL and access credentials to the services for review by the Jury should be on Google form before January 15, 2021.

Library Technology Conclave (LTC2021), an Innovative virtual Program2021, is scheduled during January 27-30, 2021 invites nominations from institutions, for the Innovation Award presented to the Best Innovation in LIS of the Year. The selection of the nominee institution for the award will be based on the benchmark set by a team of juries for the best innovation. The nominations received will be evaluated based on the procedures and criteria outlined in this document.

There will be two awards, one each for the following two categories of Libraries:

• Category-1: Universities or autonomous educational institutions offering Ph.D. & postdoctoral programs and Research Institutes.

• Category-2: School, College & Public Libraries - (Includes Professional Colleges like Medical, Engineering & Management etc. and under-graduate colleges offering bachelor’s degrees in science, Commerce Arts and Humanities).

Examples of functional, Processes and service areas of LIS where new Innovations are deployed. (Including but not limited to the following)

  • 1. Technology/Service used for fresh Initiatives or partnerships with peer institutions in sharing technology/e-resource/service or collaborative collection development.
  • 2. New Products and Processes in the area of LIS
  • 3. Innovative User Experience and Service Initiatives
  • 4. COVID Centric Innovations in Library
  • 5. Innovative applications of Hardware and Software (Example RosberryPi)
  • 6. Integration of Library with the institution’s technology infrastructure like ERP or EGovernance System
  • 7. Implementation of Research data management system
  • 8. Research Metrics Tools, Citation Tools and Institutional Ranking Tools

There are several examples in literature on innovations in libraries: Here are a few examples found in literature.