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Library and Information Science



Library is the heart of the JNV. It is essential in teaching and learning for all. It provides information and ideas that are fundamental to function successfully in today’s knowledge society. It helps in equipping students with life-long learning skills enabling them to live as responsible citizens. It offers learning services, books and resources that enable all school members to become critical thinkers and effective users of information in all formats & media. A JNV Library collection must include attractive information books on various subjects, Multimedia resources, Databases, Electronic periodicals and Quality Internet sites. An empowered JNV Librarian should work collaboratively with teachers and students and should be information navigator and mediator, a technology facilitator who teaches information literacy skills and inspire, encourage, and create high quality learning experiences.


It is mandatory for every JNV to make its Library fully automated with eg -4 software. All the Library activities including acquisition system, cataloging, indexing, circulation system, serials control module, and Web OPAC etc., should be fully automated