
Workshop Invitation - Design & Development of Digital Library with DSpace

National Workshop on Design & Development of Digital Library with DSpace: Challenges & Prospects

Organized by University Library, Central University of Kerala

Workshop Date 3rd and 4th July 2024
Venue Common Computer Lab, CUK
Resource Person Dr. D. P. Tripathi
Deputy Librarian, Dr. BR Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
Topics Covered
  • Institutional Repository: An Overview of DSpace
  • Introduction & Designing of Metadata Standards
  • Installation of DSpace (Live) & Configuration
  • DSpace Administration & Customization
  • DSpace Workflows & Submissions
  • Backup, Export and Import
  • Awareness about IPR
Registration Fee Rs. 1500/- from each participant. Registration fee will include Bag, Resource Materials, Software’s CDs, a notepad, pen and Hands on Practice, Tea, Lunch, Participation Certificate and Group Photos. Accommodation will be arranged on payment and first come first serve basis in the institute campus.
Target Participants Approximately 30 selected Library and Information Science Professionals, Academicians, Research Scholars, and Students are likely to attend the workshop.

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