IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)


UGC Approved

Short Term Development Programme 

Recent Advances in Library Management and Information Technology 

(in Online Mode)

Monday - Saturday 12-17 September 2022


1. Data Management : Role of Librarians

2. FAIR and Open Data policies in India : Issues, Challenges and Way Forward

3. Research data management : DMP, Curation, etc

4. Active Learning Trends and Changing Library Landscape

5. Scholarly Communication: Common Errors

6. Indian Knowledge System: Management and Preservation: Role of Librarians

7. KM in Healthcare 8. Libraries, Discovery and the Catalogue: Scale, Workflow and Attention

9. Institutional Rankings - Librarian's role Institutional Publications - Librarian's role

10. Current Scholarly Publishing Trends

11. Currents Trends on Open Access Scholarly Publishing

12. Essential Skills and Digital Technologies for Library Professionals ( Content Management)

13. Ranking of Institutions and Role of Libraries

14. Digital Education

15. Mobile based Services and QR Codes

16. Emerging Trends in Library Management Especially Physical and Virtual Space Management

17. NEP-22 and Libraries

18. Electronic Resource Management

19. Digital Library

20. Preservation and Conservation of Intangible Knowledge

21. Stock Verification in Libraries

22. Taxonomy and Knowledge Management



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