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Vacancy of Technical Assistant in CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute-Kolkata- Last Date-15th May, 2016


Date of Opening of 

Online Application


Post Code


Last Date of Application


Advertisement No.



Technical Assistant

No. of Vacancies


Reservation Status

OBC-02, SC - 01

Essential Qualification

1st Class B. Sc with B. Lib. Science
1st Class Diploma in Electrical/Mechanical/Civil/ Instrumentation/Computer/Electronics/Chemical of 3 years full time duration (2/2.5 years full time duration in case of lateral admission) or its equivalent after 10+2 in Science Stream
1st Class B.Sc. (Sci.) with one year full time Professional qualification or 1 year experience in the relevant discipline from a recognized Institute/ Organisation.

Job Requirement

1.     To work in technical aspects of R&D activities, processing and characterization of materials.

2.     To maintain and operate sophisticated equipment.

3.     To work in Civil, Electrical and air conditioning maintenance work.

4.     To work in library and to manage scientific knowledge resources.

Age Limit

Not exceeding 28 years as on 30/04/2016 (Relaxation available as per GOI Rules)

Pay Band

Rs.9300/- - Rs.34100/-

Grade Pay


Application fee

Bank Draft of Rs.100/- drawn in favour of


Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute


(Application fee is exempted for SC, ST, PWD, Ex-SM, Women and CSIR Employees)

Selection Procedure

1.     Screening of Applications

2.     Written Test of all the screened applicants, followed by

3.     Interview


How to apply

  1. A non-refundable application fee of`100/- (Rupees one hundred only) is payable in the form of Demand Draft ofState Bank of India of valid for a period of at least three months. Demand Draft should be in favour of Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute and payable at the State Bank of India, Jadavpur University Branch, Kolkata (Code No. 000093). The following details must be mentioned on back side of Demand Draft: i) Candidate’s Name, ii) Candidates Category, iii) Post Code applied for and iv) Date of birth. SC/ST/PWD/Women/CSIR Employees are exempted from submission of application fee.
  2. After you have taken a print out please sign in the designated place in the ‘Summary Sheet’, attach a Demand Draft of Rs100/- and self-attested copies of supporting documents like copies of Matriculation/SSC/Degree/Post Graduate Degree Certificate(s) and Marks Cards for all the Semesters/ Years, SC/ST/OBC/Ex-SM Certificate and other testimonials in support of Date of Birth, Qualifications, Experience and Community etc. The above documents are to be sent in a sealed cover super scribing “Application for the post of ………………………, Advt. No. 01/2016, Application No. ………… so as to reach at the following address on or before 15/05/2016

    The Administrative Officer
    CSIR-Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute
    196, Raja S. C. Mullick Road, Jadavpur,
    Kolkata – 700 032, West Bengal, India

Kindly view for details