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Library and Information Science

Job Posting - Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB)
Professional Assistants - Library
Post/Job Title Professional Assistants - Library
Job Type Contractual – Non-Teaching
No. of Positions 5 positions
Principal Accountabilities & Responsibilities A) Acquisition & Technical Services: Assist the section in-charge in the following tasks
  • Review policies and procedures and recommend to the library committee for approval
  • Keep track of latest developments in collection management, especially related to assessment, subject expertise, and pricing models
  • Innovation in metadata management: open linked data, indexing in searching platforms and enabling discovery in utilities and indexes
  • Identify and develop inter and intra-institutional benchmarks to evaluate and identify strategic directories in collection management, allocate and manage acquisition funds, and ensure that funds are aligned with the collection strategies
  • Collect, compile and analyze extensive data on collections and transactions to facilitate informed decisions on collection development
Software: Virtua, Koha, Coral, ERMS, Libinsight CMS, Libwizard, Libanswers, SUMMON, lean library, best bets, RemoteXs/MyLOFT.

B) Electronic Resource Management: Assist the section in-charge
  • Organizing digital library collections and databases by tagging, cataloging, and creating metadata using industry-standard software programs: Summons discovery, best bets, lean library, personal reference manager, Google scholar, etc.
  • Establishing policies regarding copyright laws and fair use of copyrighted materials for curriculum assistance
  • Analyzing user needs in order to recommend improvements to existing digital library services or development of new services
  • Maintaining an inventory of digital library resources and ensuring they are available to users when needed: A to Z listing, subject guides, handouts, directories, etc.
  • Conducting research to identify new technologies related to digital libraries: Open journal systems, open monograph system, Dspace, Dataverse, Digital commons, etc.
  • Providing reference assistance to patrons by answering questions regarding how to use library resources FAQs, online chat, ask us
  • Developing training materials for staff on the use of digital library resources
  • Participating in community events such as workshops or public speaking engagements to promote the library's digital offerings
  • Developing policies and procedures for managing digital library collections: collection development policy for datasets, databases, and journals
Software: Remote access, Discovery Services, Best bets, Full text Finder, Quick Finder, Libwizard, Libanswers, Subject guides, Dspace.

C) Digital Library Services: Assist section in charge in the following tasks
  • Services for Faculty and Doctoral Students
    • Obtaining permissions for HBS Cases & Other Materials
    • Interlibrary Loan
    • Archiving Faculty Research
    • Copyright Assistance
    • Orientation Sessions
    • Data Retrieval/Literature Search
    • Faculty Purchase request
    • Data Acquisition and Licensing
    • Subject bibliographies on demand
    • Data Retrieval from Financial databases
    • New Accessions & Recommendation Bulletin
  • Services for Students
    • Assignment/ Project Assistance
    • One shot orientation
    • Hands on Training on special databases
    • Tutorials on Searching platforms, Company and Industry Research
    • Remote/off-campus access
    • Company and Industry Research Assistance
    • Library tours
    • New accession bulletins
    • Article and literature search
    • Borrowing and interlibrary loan
    • Guides on locating information
    • New Accessions
Software: Remote access, Discovery Services, Best bets, Full text Finder, Quick Finder, Libwizard, Libanswers, Subject guides, Dspace.

D) Circulation and Patron Services: Assist the section in charge in the following tasks
  • Stack Maintenance: Ensure stacks are properly maintained by stack assistants and shelves are rectified on weekdays, holidays, and weekends
  • Weeding out old newspapers and magazines every six months
  • Send emails to faculty upon books received from the acquisition section, those borrowed by secretaries on their behalf, and the availability of reserved or requested books
  • Send overdue notices to faculties every month
  • Manage Interlibrary loans for print books/book chapters/journals, including IIM Union Catalogue requests
  • Organize displays of faculty publications, new arrivals, working papers, newspapers, magazines, and recently circulated books
  • Ensure that user queries are received through library email, telephone, and walk-ins daily
  • Create user guides and FAQs for the circulation section and external members
  • Collect overdue fines, book loss payments, photocopying charges, and token loss fees, and deposit these into the accounts section monthly
  • Create and update patron records for staff/faculty/interns and program students' ID cards received from the department
  • Track attendance for print newspapers and process related invoices
  • Send damaged books to the bindery
  • Compile Statistics of all patron services
  • Space Bookings: Standalone Databases, Discussion Rooms, Kindle
  • Footfall Tracking
  • Transaction Logs in ILS
  • Track User Queries Via email, Telephone & Walk-ins
  • External Membership
  • Virtual footfalls of library platforms
Key Skills and Ability Requirements A) Acquisitions & Technical Services:
  • Collection development policy
  • Strategies and assessment
  • Balanced collection
  • Technical processing
  • Managing gifts and Donations
  • Weeding and de-selection
  • Building a collection of datasets, eBooks, books, audiovisual content, and technical reports
  • Cataloguing and classification of the books
  • Statistical reports on budgets, vendors' performance
  • Usage of resources including eBooks
  • Knowledge of the latest standards in technical services
B) Electronic Resource Management:
  • Knowledge about models and frameworks of electronic resources lifecycle
  • Knowledge of managing budgets, encumbrances, integrated library management systems, splitting of funds, and adjusting discrepancies between fiscal and calendar year
  • Knowledge of licensing and legal framework, implications of archival rights, perpetual access, etc.
  • Extensive knowledge of metadata, systems of cataloging and indexing, classification, etc.
  • Experience with bibliographic and other utilities to record metadata, CONSER guidelines, open linked data, ILL guidelines, COUNTER
  • Awareness about trends in open access and various flavors of OA
  • Theoretical knowledge of technologies, hardware, and software underlying provisions of access for E-resources especially
  • Link resolver, metasearch, discovery services; cloud computing, Proxy access, text and data mining, protocols and APIs, etc.
  • Internet protocols (IP) and file transfer protocols (FTP)
  • OpenURL/z39.50
  • Central authentication services (Shibboleth)
  • Ezproxy/remote access
  • Electronic data interchange (EDI)
  • Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
Research Assessment
  • Understand the range of data generated by ER from the sources and vendor websites
  • Analyze and interpret the data using any application
  • Current and potential use of the purchases
  • Use bibliometric studies for assessment
  • Identify unique content and check for duplication
  • Analyze queries of users
Software: Virtua, Koha, Coral, ERMS, Libinsight CMS, Libwizard, Libanswers, SUMMON, lean library, best bets, RemoteXs/MyLOFT.

C) Digital Library Services:
  • Lib Technologies: Dspace, Discovery, A to Z CMS, LibGuides, Proxy server, ILS, FAQs, etc., and other similar applications
  • Electronic Resources: Features of E-journals, E-books, Database, E-Databases, AV resources, Various types of access to e-content, Metadata schemas and formats
  • Access and Privilege of E-content: Types of Access: IP, proxy,/Remote, user registration, etc.
  • Library Websites: Navigation, ability to assist users in identifying platforms and content
  • Digital Preservation: Understand the concept of Archives, perpetuity and coalitions in digital preservations, Understand the file formats for preservation
  • Copyright: Basic tenets of copyright and IPR
  • Union Catalogue: Concept of union catalogue, consortia, and benefits, ILL AND DDL
  • Other IT Tools: Basic knowledge about any ERMS, subject guides, chat, ask a librarian
D) Circulation and Patron Services:
  • Memberships Patron records: Configuring and customizing self-checkout kiosk (RFID) in Updating the interface or protocols for smooth transactions
  • Access and Privileges: Review of policies
  • Borrowing, Renewals, Requests, Resources: Configure, Customize, and assess requirements
  • Communication: Ability to guide users to appropriate web resources answer basic queries on chat
  • Inter Library Loan: Explore ILL network
  • Resources and Location: Basic searching skills in all business information resources; tools and other searching platforms
  • Referral/ Help: Inventory and stack management, subject guides, content analysis
Qualification and Personal Profile The candidate should be a Postgraduate in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science from a recognized university/institute with proficiency in computerized library service.
Compensation The compensation will be equivalent to level 5. The compensation will be fixed based on IIMB Contract Appointment Rules.
Application Instructions Interested candidates may fill the application using the link: Apply Here. The closing date for applications is 5th July 2024.
For more details, please visit the official job description: Job Description