IS Portal

Library and Information Science


One post of General Assistant (Library) @ Rs. 11486/- per month fixed is to be filled up on Contractual basis for the period of six months or till the termination of the scheme“Establishment of Institute of Agriculture at RRS, Bathinda R&E-64, PC 1078.1” whichever is earlier. The desirous candidates fulfilling the qualifications should send their applications to Director, Regional Research Station, Bathinda, on plain paper complete in all respects giving bio data along with attested copies of the testimonials and a Bank Draft Rs. 150/- in favour of “Comptroller PAU”, payable at Bathinda. on or before 02.03.2021. The incomplete applications/applications received without fee/after due date shall not be considered. The interested candidates should appear before the selection committee on 05.03.2021 at 11.30 am in the office of Director Regional Research, Bathinda along with original copies of the testimonials. No separate letter for appearing before selection committee will be issued.. No TA/DA will be given for appearing before selection committee..

Name of the Scheme/ Project Qualifications

“Establishment of Institute of Agriculture at RRS, Bathinda R&E-64, PC 1078.1”

  1. M.A/M.Sc/ with B.lib Sc 2nd division
    B.A/B.Sc/ with B.lib Sc 2nd division and five years library experience
  2. Should have passed Punjabi as one of the subject at Matric level