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Post Name            Professors 

No of post             11 ( UR-7, OBC-2, SC-1 and ST-1)

Scale of pay          7th CPC pay of Rs.1,44,200 in Level 14


Post Name            Associate Professors

No of post             02 (OBC-1 and ST-1)

Scale of pay          7th CPC pay of Rs.1,31,400/- in Level 13 A


Post Name            Assistant  Professors

No of post             05 ( UR-3, ST-1, and SC-1)

Scale of pay         7th CPC pay of Rs.57700/- in Level 10


(A) Essential Qualifications :

(i) Academic Qualifications:

a) Minimum of High Second Class Post Graduate Degree (with marks of 55% and above) in Psychology, Sociology, Education, M.B.A, Social/ Cultural Anthropology, Economics, Social Work, Rural Development, Population &Development Studies, Forest Management, Management, Social Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural Economics, Political Science, Public Administration, Development Planning, Local Governance, M.Sc. (Agriculture, Forestry), M.B.A. (Rural Management), Environmental Studies, Rural Technology, Entrepreneurship, Disaster Management, Rural Industries / Marketing, Library Science, Journalism, Mass Media and Statistics

b) the relevant discipline.

ii) Experience:

a) Two years of experience in teaching in a recognised University or training and / or research in an Institution of repute or relevant field experience in any Engineering/ Technological area relevant to Rural Development;

b) Experience shall be relevant to any of the following areas related to Rural Development & Panchayati Raj :

i. Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation ii. Agrarian Studies iii. Natural Resource Management iv. Self Employment/ Rural Enterprises / Rural Livelihoods v. Wage Employment vi. Tribal Studies/ Equity and Social Development vii. Panchayati Raj/ PR Finances and Local Governance viii. Social Audit ix. Quantitative Techniques x. Media Studies / Development Studies/ Mass Communication xi. Distance Education xii. ICT /Geo-information Applications xiii. Public Policy/ Gender Studies/ Good Governance xiv. Rural Development Management xv. Human Resources Development xvi. Grassroot Innovations. xvii. Financial Inclusion xviii. Disaster Management

Applicants are advised to indicate area of their suitability based on their qualification and experience at the top of the prescribed application form.


(B) Desirable Qualifications :

Independent research/ field experience with published books/ papers based on original work, etc. and should have made some mark in the area of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and Curriculum. Research papers in National/ International Journals in the relevant fields indicated above. Knowledge in ICT Applications and SPSS software.


How to apply

Interested candidates may apply through Online Registration available on the website  on or before 15.11.2018 (5.30 PM). 


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