IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Ministry of Environment,

Forest and Climate Change Zoological Survey of India Kolkata

Zoological Survey of India, a subordinate office of the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India, hereby invites application for filling up the following posts on purely deputation basis:

  • Name of Post         Library & Information Assistant
  • No of posts            10 posts
  • Pay level                level 06



Place of vacancy

HQ, ZSI, Kolkata

05 posts

NRC, ZSI, Dehradun

02 posts

NERC, ZSI, Shillong

01 post

HARC, ZSI, Solon

01 post

DRC, ZSI, Jodhpur

01 post













Eligibility criteria

Officers under Central or State Govts or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Res­earch Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Governments or Autonomous Statutory Organizations,-

(a)   holding analogous post on regular basis in the cadre or department; and

(b)  possessing-

i.Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library & Information Science of a recognized university or institute; and

ii. two years' professional experience in a Library under the Central or State Governments or Auto- nomous or Statutory Organizatiors or Public Sector Undertakings or Universities or Recognized Rese­arch or Educational Institutiors;

(c)   Diploma in Computer App.ication from recognized university or institute is desirable qualification.

How to apply

Therefore, Bio-Data/Curriculum vitae (pro-forma annexed herewith at NI) as well as a certificate (pro-forma annexed herewith in A/Il) and required documents as envisaged in NII, from the interested and eligible candidates may be sent to the Director, Zoological Survey of India, Prani Vigyan Bhawan, 535, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700053, through proper channel within 2 (two) months from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.

Kindly view

Employment news paper 14-20 January 2023 at Page No. 42