IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Ministry of Culture, Govt of India

27, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata – 16


Advertisement No. 03/ 2023

Indian Museum, Kolkata, an autonomous organisation under the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, invites applications from the eligible candidates to fill up the following 8 posts by Direct Recruitment basis:

Name of the posts

No. of posts

Pay Level and Pay Scale

Maximum age limit

Library and Information Officer

1 UR

Level – 6,

(Rs.35,400 – 1,12,400)

30 Years



  1. Age limit – Not more than 30 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates in India. Upper age limit is relaxable by the Board on the recommendations of the Selection Committee in case of candidates already in employment and also relaxable for the reserved categories, as per Government of India rules.

Essential Qualification

(i)            Masters or equivalent Hon’s Degree of a recognised University in Indian History or Anthropology or Arts.

(ii)           Diploma in Library Science of a recognised University or Institution.

(iii)          7 Years’ experience in a Library of standing in India preferably a Museum Library.

(iv)          Research experience with evidence of published research work in Archaeology or Art or Anthropology.

Note – Qualifications relaxable by the Board on the recommendation of the Selection Committee in the case of candidates otherwise well qualified.



                Completed applications in the prescribed format along with self-attested copies of relevant testimonials/certificates, list of publications and name of the post superscribed on the envelope should reach to the Director-in-charge, Indian Museum, 27 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata-700016 on or before 05.06.2023. Separate application in separate envelope to be submitted in case candidate desires to apply for multiple posts.

One digital copy of the application along with all supporting documents (in .pdf format) shall also be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within the 05.06.2023.