IS Portal

Library and Information Science

  • (Government of India : Ministry of Home Affairs)
  • Shivrampalli, Hyderabad — 500 052


Applications are invited from eligible individuals for filling up following posts in Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad on purely outsourcing basis for an initial period upto the financial year end which is extendable or till the regular vacancy is filled up, whichever is earlier. Pay and other eligibility criteria are given below:

Name of the post

Library     and Information Assistant

No of posts 


Pay/ Remuneration

(i)Pay  for personnel retired from Government Service:   Pay                  will        be             fixed       at   their   last      pay drawn           minus pension plus admissible rate of DA on the date of engagement.

(ii) Pay    for other than retired personnel will be Rs. 54,126/- p.m. The   remuneration fixed will not be changed despitechange in the DA rates.

Eligibility criteria

(i)Bachclors     Degree     in                  Library     Science     or Library             and     Information    Science     from Government/               Government                      recognized University/  Institute.

(ii)Two years professional experience in a    Library under       Central/    State            Government       Institution/ University.

How to apply

The format of application is enclosed. Filled-in application of eligible candidates should be addressed to the Assistant Director (Estt), SVP National Police Academy, Shivarampalli, Hyderabad — 500 052 (Telangana) to reach there by post/email on or before 01/02/2021 along with the following documents: i) Copies of certificates as proof of educational/technical qualification etc and experience. ii) Pension Payment Order(for retired govt servants) iii) filled-in application form duly affixing passport size photo. Note: Incomplete/incorrect/unsigned applications and applications sent without the copies of required documents/photo shall be rejected.