IS Portal

Library and Information Science

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur (Chhattisgarh)

Post   Librarian Selection Grade A (ON DEPUTATION BASIS)

Pay    Level-11 

Officers under the Central/State/U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory, Autonomous Bodies or Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts on regular basis with at least 5 years of regular service in Pay Level 10 (pre-revised PB-3, GP 5400) or 8 years of regular service in Pay Level 6 (pre-revised PB-2, GP 4200), or equivalent and possessing the following qualifications and experience:


1. At least a second class Master’s Degree in Science (preferably in Biological Sciences) of a recognized University or equivalent;

2. Degree or equivalent Diploma in Lib. Science of a recognized Institution or University; and

3. 7 years experience in a supervisory capacity in a library of standing.


1. Master’s Degree in Library Science;

2. Training in Medical Librarianship;

3. Experience of Documentation work in a responsible capacity;

4. Knowledge of Sanskrit and any modern European language other than English. 


How to

The envelope containing the application(s) should be super-scribed “Application for the Post of …………………………………. on Deputation basis.” The address for sending the application form along with supporting documents is given below:- Recruitment Cell 2nd floor, Medical College Building Gate No-5, AIIMS Raipur, G.E. Road, Tatibandh, Raipur – 492099 (C.G.) 

1st Cut-off date for receipt of duly filled-in application form along with all requisite documents 31st January 2023
