IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Delhi KVS Recruitment 2022

Interview for Part- Time Contractual Panel (Session : 2022-23)

Post          Librarian   

Pay          Rs 26,250 per month

Essential Qualification:

1. Bachelor Degree in Library Science OR Graduate with one year diploma in Library Science from a recognized institution. 2. Working knowledge of Hindi and English.

Desirable Qualification:

Knowledge of Computer Application. 

Venue of Interview

1. KVS AGCR Colony
2. KVS Pritmpura
3. KVS Vikaspuri
4. KVS Gole Market
5. KVS Delhi Cantt.
6. KVS Dwarka
7. KVS Rohini Sec-8

Registration is essential to appear in the interview and it will be from 08:30 AM to 10:30 am only at all venues. 

This interview is only for preparing a panel of different posts to be engaged on purely part time contractual basis as and when required in different KVs of Delhi Region during the academic year 2022-23 and does not confer any right to get regular appointment in KVS.