IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Sainik  School  Chandrapur  (Maharashtra)

Ministry  of Defence


Sainik  School  Chandrapur  (Maharashtra) functioning  under  Sainik  School  Society,  Ministry  of Defence invites applications for the following posts on regular basis.


Post                  Librarian

No of post      01, UR

Pay Scale       Basic Pay 44900/-

Age                   21 -35  years (as on 01 April 2020)


Essential Qualification

(a)  Graduation with  degree  /  diploma  in  Library  Science from recognised institution.

(b) Ability to converse fluently in English.



(a) Candidates   with   higher   qualification   will   be   given preference.

(b) Candidates  with  knowledge  of  Computer  Applications will be given preference.


How to apply

Applications  with  attested  copies  of  testimonials(certificates/documents)along  with non-refundableDemand Draft for  an  amount  of  Rs  500/-for  Gencandidates  or  Rs  250/-for  SC/ST  Candidates drawn in favour of “Principal Sainik School  Chandrapur”,  should  reach  the  School at  the  address  : Principal,  Sainik  School  Chandrapur,  Village-Bhivkund,  Ballarpur  Taluka,  PO-Visapur,  Dist  Chandrapur,  Maharashtra-442701on  or  before 31  Dec 2019. Candidates  are  to clearly  mention  the  nameof  the  post  applied  for  as  per  the  advertisement. If  any field/information,  asked  in  the  application,  is  left  blank  /  or  provided  false/wrong  information,  the  application  will  be rejected  summarily without  giving  any  justification.

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