IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Post               Librarian

No of post     01 (one)

Pay level       Level -14

Age limit      Below 55 years as on 1/1/2019


Minimum Qualification:

a) A Master’s Degree in Library Science / Information Science with at least 55% of marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is practiced.

b) At least10 (ten) as a Librarian at any level in University Library or 10(ten) years teaching experience as Assistant/ Associate Professor in Library Science or 10 (ten) years as College Librarian.

c) Evidence of innovative library services, including the integration of ICT in a library.

d) A Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science/documentation /archives and manuscript-keeping.



Last Date of submission of application: 11thSeptember, 2019


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Advertisement No. AO/17/2013-347 date 09/08/2019 for the post of Librarian
Application form for the post of Librarian