Gramin science (Vocational) College, Vishnupuri, Nanded (Permanent Non - Grant)
run by
Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for the following post to be filled in Gramin science (Vocational) College, Vishnupuri, Nanded (Permanent Non - Grant) run by Gramin Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. The applications dully completed in all respects should reach on the following address in Fifteen Days. The candidates of reserved category should submit one copy of application to the Dy. Registrar, Special cell, S. R.T.M. University, Nanded.
Post Librarian
No of posts 01 (open,UR)
Pay Scale Rs. 57700-182400 A.L. 10
Address for correspondence:
The Secretory, Gramin Science (Vocational) College, Vishnupuri, Nanded. Dist. - Nanded - 431606. Maharashtra State (India)
The application duly completed in all respects should reach on the above address in fifteen days.