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Library and Information Science

Dinkarrao K. Shinde Smarak Trust’s

Dr. A.D.Shinde College of Engineering, Bhadgaon, Gadhinglaj

Tal- Gadhinglaj, Dist – Kolhapur - 416 502.

(Affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur)

(Permanently Non Grant Basis)

Post         Librarian 01, UR

How to apply

1. Educational qualifications, pay scales and service conditions are as prescribed by the Appex body, Govt. of Maharashtra and Shivaji University, Kolhapur from time to time.


2. Appointment to the post of Principal will be for a period of 5 years from the date of appointment or up to the attainment of the age of superannuation of the candidate, whichever is earlier.


3. Please note that the recruitment procedure initiated by this advertisement subject to decision by Hon. Bombay High-court, Aurangabad Bench on write petition No. 12051/2015.


4. Applicants who are already in service they should apply through proper channel.


5. Incomplete application will not be entertained. 6. Apply giving full particulars within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement to the undersigned. 

Recruitments At University Affiliated Colleges


Webcast Date College Name 
29-06-2020 Adverisement for the post for Principal and Librarian of A.D. Shinde College of Engineering, Bhadgaon, Gadhinglaj