IS Portal

Library and Information Science

BANKURA UNIVERSITY (West Bengal Act XIX of 2013- Bankura University Act, 2013)

Main Campus, Bankura Block-II, P.O.: Purandarpur, Dist.: Bankura, Pin- 722155, West Bengal


Post       Librarian: Rationalised entry pay of Rs. 1,44,200/- (Academic level 14) One (1) post Unreserved.

Post to be filled through direct recruitment.

a. Minimum Eligibility Criteria: i. A Master’s degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and consistently good academic record as set out in UGC Regulations, 2010. ii. At least 13 (thirteen) years of experience as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or 18 (eighteen) years of experience as a college Librarian. iii. Evidence of innovative library services and organization of published work. b.

Desirable Experience: Ph.D. / M.Phil. degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation / Archives and Manuscript Keeping.


How to apply

Downloaded Form shall accompany with a crossed D.D/ Bankers Cheque drawn in favour of Bankura University, payable at Bankura of requisite price for the following posts. Applicants must have the minimum qualifications & experience as per relevant latest recruitment guidelines of UGC and latest Memorandum of Govt. of West Bengal for the Teachers in the State-aided Universities. Completed application in the prescribed form along with photocopies of two sets of all credentials must reach the office of the Registrar by 05.10.2021 within Office hours (Through proper channel, in case of already employed candidates).