IS Portal

Library and Information Science

B.Borooah College Ulubari,

Guwahati-781007, Assam

Post          Librarian (UR):

Applications are invited from eligible candidates having UGC norms in the prescribed format (available  in the DHE website) with complete Bio-Data (including contact number, Email ID etc) and self-attested copies of all testimonials from HSLC (101h standard) onwards for the vacant post of Librarian of the college. Selection of the candidate will be as per latest guidelines issued ty the Director of Higher Education, Govt of Assam. The age of the candidates and salary etc are as per the prevailing rules of Assam Government.



Post  Library Bearer (RP No-6: OBC): 1 post:


How to apply

Application with relevant documents along with a DD of Rs. 300/- (Non-refundable) for the post of Library Bearer Grade IV, and Rs 1500/- for the post of librarian drawn in favour of Principal, B. Borooah Collcge, Guwahati payable at Guwahati must reach the undersigned on or before 4 P.M.  of 26/11/2022