IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Office of the Director [Education]

New Delhi Municipal Council [NDMC]

  • Post               Librarian
  • No of posts    08 


The candidate should have retired as Librarian from the Pay Level-6 or above as per the Pay matrix of 7th C.P.C. from Central Govt/State Govt./Local Bodies or equivalent service.


Method of selection:

(i) The candidates will apply online on the website of the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDlvlc) under Education Department link on NDMC website  and sub-link "Engagement of Consultants in Education Department". The applications may also be sent through e-mail id -  or by hand or by post at- Director (Education), 5O16, Palika Kendra, NDMC Headquarter, New Delhi-Ol. The application link will remain open till 01/05/2022.

(ii) Shortlisted candidates meeting eligibility criteria will be informed for schedule of interview on their given mobile number/e-mail at least a couple of days in adva nce.

(iii) All the eligible shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by an Interview Board/Committee tentatively in June, 2022. On the date and time fixed for the interview, the applicant will present himself/herself along with self attested copies and originals for verification namely.


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