IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Punjab Waqf Board

SCO 1062-63 Sector 22-B, Chandigarh

Post                     Librarian

No of posts       02

Age Limit         18-37 years


Eligibility Criteria

B.A./ B.Sc. with Degree in Library Science from any recognized Uni.



How to apply

Interested candidates shall submit their applications in the prescribed format along with requisite documents and a processing fee of Rs 500/- through demand draft in the name of Punjab Aukaf payable at Chandigarh. The applications may be sent through speed post or delivered by hand to Education Development Officer, office of CEO, Punjab waqf Board, SCO 1062-63, Sector 22-B, Chandigarh-160022. Applications received by or before 5pm of 30th September shall only be considered. 

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