IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Rampur Raza Library, Rampur

(An Autonomous Organization under the

Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)


  • Post           Director ( Rampur Raza Library)
  • No of post  01 post
  • Pay            Level 14 (Rs. 144200– 218200/-)



Officers of the Central or State Government or statutory or autonomous or crganizations funded by central Government or Universities or recognizes research institutions -

(i) holding analogous post on regular basis in parent cadre or departments:

(ii) With two years service in the grade rendered after appointment there on regular basis in post of level 13 (Rs. 123100 - 215900) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department or

(iii) With three yeas Service in the grade rendered after appointment there on regular Saris in post in level 12 (Rs.78800 - 209200) or equivalent in the parent cadre or department

Possessing the qualifications and experience:

(i) Master's Degree in Libray Science or Library and infonnation Science from a Tcognized university or institute:

(ii)  At least 10 years experience of teaching or research or administration in a comparable Library, University or recognized teaching institution:

(iii) A renowned scholar of Arabic or Persian or Urdu or Islamic or medieval Indian History.

(iv)Degree of Ph.D in any of the above subject or fields from a recognized university .


How to apply

Application with cover letter, resume, attested copies of academic experience certificates and a recent photograph may be sent by Registered/Speed post within 30 days from the date of Advertisement to Principal Secretary to the Governor of U.P. Raj Bhawm, Lucknow (U2)- 226027, serving officials should apply through proper channel.

last date February 16, 2023
