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Library and Information Science

F. No. 40-20/2016-Lib (pt)

Government of India
Ministry of Culture
Library Section Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi


Post              Director (Central Secretariat Library)

No of post    01,  on deputation

Pay                 Level-13 (Rs. 123100- 215900)

The Ministry of Culture proposes filling up of 01 vacancy of post of Director (Central Secretariat Library) In the Ministry of Culture in Level-13 (Rs. 123100- 215900) in the revised pay matrix of 7th CPC, on deputation basis (including short term contract), from amongst officers of the Central or State Governments or Union Territories or Semi-Government or Public Sector Undertakings or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations or Recognized Research Institution or Educational Institution:-

(a) (I) holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or department;


(ii) with five years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in Level 12 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; or

(III) with ten years' regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in posts in Level 11 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department and

(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience, namely:


(I) Masters' Degree in library Science or Library and Information Science of a recognized University or Institute:

(II) Twelve years' professional experience In a Library under Central Government or State Government or Autonomous or Statutory organization or Public Sector Undertaking or University or Recognized Research or Educational Institution,


I) One year experience of computerizing Library activities in a Library under Central Government or State Governments or Autonomous or Statutory organization or Public Sector Undertaking or University or recognized Research or Educational Institution.

II) Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institute.

How to apply

Applications (In duplicate) in the given proforma duly countersigned by the employer of the officers who can be spared in the event of their selection aro to be sent to this Ministry within 45 days from the date of Issue of this Advt. The application received after the last date or without the confidential reports or otherwise found incomplete will not be taken in to consideration. Candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.

While forwarding the applications it may be verified or certified by the employer that the particulars furnished by the officers are correct. The application with all necessary documents may be forwarded In the name of Under Secretary (Library), Ministry of Culture, Shastri Bhawan, CSL Building, 1st Floor, New Delhi.

Kindly view

Employment News 3-9 October 2020 at page 19