IS Portal

Library and Information Science


[A Central University established by an Act of Parliament]

Dr Ambedkar Administrative Building, Raghunathpur, Motihari, District – East Champaran, Bihar


Post of Deputy Librarian to be filled on direct/regular basis as per details given below through ONLINE MODE only 


Post                             Deputy Librarian

No of post                 01 UR

Pay level                    Pay Level 12 (Rs.79,800/-)

Age Limit                   As per UGC Regulations


Mode of Selection     Through Personal Interview 

Essential Qualifications:

i. A Master‘s Degree in library science/information science/documentation science, with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade in a point scale, wherever grading system is followed;

ii. Eight years’ experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian;

iii. Evidence of innovative library service including integration of ICT in library; and

iv. A Ph.D. Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation Science/Archives and manuscript-keeping/computerization of library.

How to apply


Interested and eligible candidates have to submit the ONLINE APPLICATION FORM through Link available on the University website following the instructions given therein before the last date i.e., 24th July 2020 (Friday) till 23:59:59 Hrs. IMPORTANT NOTE: The hard copy of the online application along with: i. Self-attested copies of the certificates for age proof, qualifications, experience, caste, etc.; and ii. Endorsement by the Employer (if, presently employed in Govt./PSU/ Autonomous/Deemed). should reach to the following address on or before 3rd August 2020 (Monday):

OSD Administration Mahatma Gandhi Central University Dr Ambedkar Administrative Building Raghunathpur, Near OP Thana, Motihari – 845 401 District – East Champaran, Bihar (INDIA)

Important dates

Link for submission of Application through Online Mode will be available from 3rd July 2020 (Friday)

Closing date for submission of Online Application Form 24th July 2020 (Friday) Upto 23:59:59 hrs

Last date for submission of Hard Copy of printed application form along with self-attested enclosures. 3rd August 2020 (Monday