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Library and Information Science

IIM Indore Job Posting

Indian Institute Of Management (IIM), Indore

Positions Chief Officer Learning Centre
Position Code COLC
Pay Level as per 7th CPC Contractual on consolidated emoluments
No of Post 01 UR
  • Master’s degree in Library and Information/Documentation science with at least 50 percent marks or its equivalent grade and consistently good academic record.
  • Ph.D. in the above or allied discipline is desirable.
Work Experience
  • At least thirteen years of experience as Deputy Librarian in a University Library or eighteen years of experience as a college Librarian or equivalent professional experience.
  • Evidence of innovative library services and organization of published works.
  • Experience in integrating ICT in a library is desirable.
  • Must have drawn the latest salary at the Pay level 12 (as per 7th CPC) or equivalent/above.
Important Note Experience Means: “Must have handled Head/Chief Librarian Position in an advanced/computerized Library of international standards with evidence in implementation of ICT based library systems, innovative policies and procedures, library budget administration, library security, international cataloging standards, web technologies, library software, preferably in an Academic Institute of National or State importance or Autonomous Institutions/reputed Knowledge Centres of private firms. Experience in related media, technology, and information services aligned to knowledge management is also desirable.
  • Exposure to Library systems integrated to ERP System-Student Centered Learning Management Modules, Repository management/service, digital lib software applications, knowledge-based bibliographic search system, METADATA standards, and implementation.
  • Publications in peer-reviewed journals/reputed journals on current trends.
  • Membership in ALA/SLA/SIS/ILA, MANLIBNET, etc.
Salary & Allowances Salary will not be a constraint for the deserving candidate and will be decided only after the interview.
Nature of Appointment The position would be on a contractual basis, initially for two years based on annual performance appraisal and extendable by one year at a time for an overall maximum period of five years, based on performance.