IS Portal

Library and Information Science

All India Institute Of Medical Sciences, New Delhi


Date of Interview 20/08/2020


Post                                Chief Librarian (Contractual Basis)

No. of post                   01 UR 

Upper Age Limit       55 years

Emoluments               Rs. 1,95,000/- Monthly


1. Ph.D. in Library Science with a Master's Degree in Science (Preferably in Biological Sciences) from a recognized University or equivalent.

2. Degree Diploma in from an Institution and or equivalent Library Science recognized or University

Experience:- 10 years experience in a supervisory capacity in a Library of standing with experience in digitalization of library/e-library facility and experience of documentation work in a responsible capacity.

Knowledge of up-to-date latest library software, journal database and their management.


How to Apply 

Interested candidates fulfilling all the eligibility criteria may submit their application in prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) with duly self-attested copies of certificates/ testimonials at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by on or before 15th August 2020 at 5:00 PM positively.


Candidate should report along with all the original certificates/testimonials etc. for an interview by 9:30 a.m. on 20th August, 20202 at Dr. Ramalingaswami Board Room, Near Director's Office, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110029.


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