IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Government of India

Ministry of Steel (Estt. Section)

Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi


Post                  Assistant Library and Information Officer (ALIO)

Pay                   Level-7 (Rs. 44900-142400/-) of pay matrix to be filled by deputation


How to apply


The last date for receipt of applications for appointment on deputation basis to the post of ALIO earlier published in the Employment News editions 18-24 January-2020 giving 45 days time to submit the application is hereby extended up to 15.09.2020. Persons meeting the eligibility criteria may apply for the post by sending their application, duly signed (in triplicate), in the prescribed proforma, to the Under Secretary (Estt.), Ministry of Steel, Room No. 64, Udyog Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi - 110001 through proper channel. Advance copies of applications or applications received after the prescribed period or not accompanied with the requisite information/ documents are liable to be rejected.


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Employment News 29 August - 4 September 2020