Mayurbhanj Law College
University Road, Takatpur, Baripada, Mayurbhanj, Odisha 757001
Mayurbhanj Law College invites applications in the prescribed form from eligible Candidates for the appointment of Asst. Librarian. The details of the post including required qualifications, scale of pay & other general information are available at and the prescribed application forms as well as full advertisement can be downloaded from the College website given above. The last date of receipt of application form is 20.02.2020. After scrutiny of the application forms received, a list of eligible Candidates shall be uploaded at the same website.
- Name of the Post Assistant Librarian
- Number of Vacancy General-01
- Age Limit 32 years of age as on 01.01.2020
- Salary Negotiable
- Must have passed Graduate with 2" class and passed Master in Library Science / Master in Library Information Science in regular mode having computer knowledge.
How to Apply
The applications must accompany with self-attested copies of all documents (Certificates, mark sheets of all qualifying examinations and experience certificate, if any, along with latest pass port size colour photograph).
The application should be accompanied by a Demand Draft (in original) of non-refundable amount of Rs. 500=00(Rupees five hundred) only in favour of Principal, Mayurbhanj Law College payable at Bank of India, North Orissa University Branch.
The applications complete in all respects should reach the undersigned on or before 20.02.2020. The authority reserves the rights to cancel the above interview without assigning any reason thereof.
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