IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy

Main Building, II Floor, AU College of Engineering (A)

Andhra University, Visakhapatnam  - 530 003



Post                  Librarian

No of post        01,UR

Pay level         14 (Rs.144200 - 218200/-)


Essential  qualifications and experience : 

A Master’s Degree in Library Science /Information  Science/documentati on  science or an equivalent professional degree  with at least 55% marks  or  its  equivalent  grade point  average  with  at  least  6  years  experience  as  noted  after  the  qualifying  degree,  out  of  which  3  yearsshould  be  in  Grade  Pay  of  Rs .  4600  and  above  or  equivalent  OR  1  year  should  be  in  grade  pay  of  Rs  4800  and  above  or  equivalent  after  the  qualifying degree.  Applicants should have demonstrated ability of using library software and  experience in library computerization.   For applican ts with Ph.D. degree in relevant discipline, duration of Ph.D. upto three years will  be  counted  towards  experience.    However,  experience  required  in  Grade  Pay  as  above  is  mandatory.


1.  Experience  of  developing  and  maintaining  Foreign  and  Indian  Languages  collection in a reputed academic library.; Experience in IITs  / IISERs/ IISc/NITs and similar Central Government Institutions.


Post                  Deputy Librarian

No of post        01,SC

Pay level         12 (Rs. 78,800  – 2,09,200/)

Age                   Not more than    50 years


Prescribed  qualification  : 

Post  graduate  degree  in  a  discipline  of Library  Science /  Information   Science   /   Documentation with   8   years   of   experience and   above  preferably with Ph.D, with experience in Library management in a reputed University  and/or  Professional  or  Higher  Educational  Institute  of  National  importance.    The  experience criterion is relaxable in case of outstanding candidates of qualification with  M.Phil.  /  Ph.D.  degree in  Library  Science  /  Information  Science  /  Documentation  /  Archives and manu - script - keeping / computerization of library.


How to apply

Interested candidates may apply in the prescribed format of application along with  enclosures sending by e mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  so as to reach on or before  15 th March  2019. One  physical  copy  of  the  application  along  with  copy  of  the  mail  and a  Demand Draft of Rs.500/ - (Non - refundable)  drawn in favour of  “ Indian Institute of  Petroleum & Energy payable at Visakhapatnam ” may be sent by  REGISTERED POST  duly superscribed on the cover and on the application as follows:

APPLICATION  FOR  THE  POST  OF_____________________ __AGAINST  ADVT.NO.IIPE/NT/1/2019 - 20

To The Director, Indian Insti tute of Petroleum & Energy, 2 nd floor, AU College of Engineering(A) VISAKHAPATNAM 530 003


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