IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Department of Library & Information Science
Mizoram University

(A Central University)
Tanhril, Aizawl, Mizoram. Pin- 796004


Walk in Interview on 27''' /11/2019 in Department of Library and Information Science

Application are invited from interested candidates for the position of Research Assistant in the Department of Library and Information Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl under the ICSSR (IMPRESS) funded research project. The post is purely temporary in nature and coterminous with project.

Project Title: Content Analysis and Design Trends of Websites of Indian Council of Social Sciences Research(ICSSR) Insitutions of India: An Evaluation


Name of The Post

Research Assistant

No. of Post


Essential Qualification

Ph.D./MPhil/PG in Library Science with minimum 60% Marks. UGC NET qualified candidates will be given preference

Maximum Age limit

35 years

Enumeration and Emoluments

Rs. 200001= consolidated per month


One Year

(Initially for six months)


The eligible and interested candidate may appear in Walk in interview on 27.11.2019 at 11:00 AM in Department of Library and Information Science, MZU.

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