IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati

Vacancy for Library Trainee (2020-21)

Lakshminath Bezbaroa Central Library of the Institute is looking for young, dynamic, highly motivated and committed fresh Post-Graduates in Library & Information Science from UGC recognized Indian universities to serve as Library Trainees purely on a temporary basis for one year.

These positions are meant for imparting on the job training to the selected candidates. On satisfactory completion of training period, a certificate will be issued and such trainees shall not be engaged subsequently for traineeship in future.

No. of vacancies: 06 (Six) nos. (Number may vary).


Stipend Amount: Rs. 16,000/- per month will be paid during the period of training.

Duration: Duration of traineeship will be for one year from the date of joining.


Nature of Traineeship:

Learn while you work on different functions and services of Library. Selected candidates will have to work five days a week and shall work in different shifts and on weekends on rotation basis. They will be required to do staggered duties.

Minimum qualification:

Bachelor's Degree in Arts/Science/Commerce with Master Degree in Library & Information Science

Age limit:

Maximum 26 years as on 31st December, 2019.

Last date & time of submission of application: 31st December. 2019. 3.30 PM

Application to be submitted at: Interested candidates only who meet the above-mentioned requirements with respect to qualification and age may submit their application online at httos://online.iitchac.inffibrecruit/ by 3.30PM of 31St Dec., 2019. No hard copy application will be accepted.


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