IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE),

an autonomous organisation under Ministry of SDE,

Govt. of India,


Post:                      Documentation and Computer Expert [1 Nos.]

Salary:                  Rs. 18,000/PM

Age:                       25 -35 Years

Essential Qualification:  Graduate/Post Graduate· Desirable: 2-3 years Experience in relevant field.

Job description: Carry out the various activities under the project including Data collection, data entry, presentation making, graphics, DTP, Designing booklet/brochures etc. under the guidance of the team leader.


Place of Interview: Interview will be held at Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship, Lalmati, Guwahati-29 on 9 th March 2017 (Thursday) from 10.00 AM. Candidate may appear in the interview along with the original testimonials and two passport size photographs.

Candidate must send their Application clearly mentioned about the post applied for along with the Bio-Data through email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or may submit the same in the IIE office on or before 06-03-2017.


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