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Library and Information Science


                                                                       SYLLABUS FOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN


Verbal Aptitude Basic English grammar:

Tenses, articles, adjectives, prepositions, conjunctions, verb-noun agreement, and other parts of speech; Basic vocabulary: words, idioms, and phrases in context Reading and comprehension Narrative sequencing.

Analytical Aptitude: Logic: deduction and induction; Analogy Numerical relations and reasoning.

Spatial Aptitude: Transformation of shapes: translation, rotation, scaling, mirroring, assembling, and grouping Paper folding, curing, and patterns in 2 and 3 dimensions


Information Communication and Society:
Data, Information, knowledge: Nature, property and scope; Information generation and communication; Information and Society; IPR and legal issues-categories, conventions ,Treaties ,Laws; Plagiarism-concept and types , RTI; Information Technology Act,


Historical development of Libraries; Committees and Commissions on libraries in India, Types of Libraries; Library Legislation and Library Acts, laws of Library science, Library and Information Science Profession-Professional Ethics. Professional Associations involved in the development of Library and Information Services -National/ International — UNESCO, IFLA, INIS, NISSAT, etc.;
Library and information science education in India, User studies, User education
Information literacy —Areas, standards, Types and models;

Library Management:

Management perspectives,- Principles ,functions and schools of Management thought , Book selection tools and principles, library acquisition ,Technical processing, circulation, serial control, maintenance and stock verification; preservation and conservation; Hazards and control measures of library materials , System Analysis and control, Human resource Management, Financial management in libraries- resource mobilisation, cost effective and cost benefit Analysis, Project Management —SWOT ,PEST,PERT/CPM , TQM, Knowledge Management, Marketing of information products and Services.

Knowledge Organisation:

Universe of Knowledge, Modes of formation of subjects, Canons and Principles, Library Classification Schemes — DDC, CC, UDC;; Library Cataloguing Codes — CCC and AACR, Bibliographic record formats —ISBD, MARC2I, CCF, RDA, FRBR, Bibframe.

Information Sources, Systems and Services:
Information Institutions, Information centres, Data centres and referral Centres Information sources, Systems and programmes, Information products and services, Information Intermediaries as sources of Information.
Reference service-Types, Referral services, Alerting Services — CAS, SDI; ILL and document delivery, Mobile based library services and Tools, Web 2.0 and 3.0, Web Scale Discovery Services, National and International Information Systems and Networks, Patent Information System etc. Library Resource sharing and Library Consortia.

Information Processing and Retrieval:
Organisation of Information, Bibliographic Description, Content Development, Information storage and Retrieval Systems, Information Retrieval.

Fundamentals of Information Communication Technologies:

Computer Technology, Communication Technology, Media and Publishing Technology. Resource sharing Networks.
Information and communication Technologies- Applications:

Database Design and Management, Internet Resources and Services, Library Automation; Software and software packages, Data Security; Digital Library, Digitization, Digitalpreservation, Digital Library Initiatives, Institutional Repositories, Application of RFID Technology in Libraries, Expert systems and Robotics in Libraries.

Research: Research, research methods, research design, methods of data collection, Reference style management, citation tools, Anti plagiarism tools, Metric studies in LIS, Impact factors, Trends in library and Information Science Research.