IS Portal

Library and Information Science

P.G. Diploma in Digital Library & Information Management

(ODL Proogramme) 2021-22


  • Location: Mumbai
  • Centre: Centre for Library and Information Management
  • Intake: 25


Medium of Instruction: English


Admission Requirements:

  • Bachelor of Library and Information Science (BLISc) or Masters of Library and Information Science (MLISc) from any recognized university.

  •  Preference will be given to candidates with relevant work experience

Reservation Policy for admission to the year 2020--22 will be as per Government of India norms

  • (a) Scheduled Castes SC : 15% of the total seats.
  • (b) Schedule Tribes ST : 7.5% of the total seats.
  • The seats reserved for the SC/ST shall be filled by the SC/ST candidates only. However, in the case of non-availability of the eligible candidates, the reserved seats may be interchanged between the SC & ST. If still any seat remains unfilled, the same shall be left vacant.
  • (c) Other Backward Classes OBC (Non-Creamy Layers).: 27% of the total seats.

The seats reserved for the OBCs shall be filled with the OBC candidates only. Only if OBC candidates possessing the minimum eligibility marks are not available in the OBC category then the vacant OBC seats shall be converted into General Category seats in accordance with the admission schedule notified by the Institute.

Reservation Policy for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) Ceritificate

In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution (One Hundred and Third Amendment) Act 2019, and the reference of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment vide OM NO.20013/01/2018-BC-II dated: 17th January, 2019, enabling provision of reservation for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) who are not covered under the existing scheme of reservations for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes and the Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, it has been decided to provide reservation in admission to educational institutions subject to a maximum of ten percent of the total seats in each category.

Where, on a representation by any Central Educational Institution, the appropriate authority is satisfied that for reasons of financial, physical or academic limitations or in order to maintain the standards of education, the annual permitted strength in any branch of study or faculty of such institution cannot be increased for the academic session following the commencement of this Act, it may permit such institution to increase the annual permitted strength over a maximum period of two years beginning with the academic session following the commencement of this Act: and then, the extent of reservation for the Economically Weaker Sections shall be limited for that academic session in such manner that the number of seats made available to the Economically Weaker Sections for each academic session shall not reduce the number and the percentage of reservations provided for SC/ST/OBC categories.


Persons who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs and whose family has gross annual income below Rs.8.00 lakh (Rupees eight lakh only) are to be identified as EWSs for benefit of reservation. Income shall also include income from all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession, etc. for the financial year prior to the year of application.
Also persons whose family owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family income:-

  1.  5 acres of agricultural land and above:
  2.  Residential flat of 1000 sq. ft. and above,
  3.  Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
  4. Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified municipalities.

The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/ cities would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine EWS status.

The term “Family” for this purpose will include the person who seeks benefit of reservation, his/her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also his/ her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.


The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the following authorities in the prescribed format as given in Annexure-I shall only be accepted as proof of candidate’s claim as belonging to EWS:-

  1. District Magistrate/ Additional District Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ 1st class Stipendiary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra Assistant Commissioner
  2. Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate.

iii. Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar and

  1. Sub-Divisional Officer or the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.

The Appointing Authorities/ Admitting Universities should, in the offer of Appointment/ Admission to the candidates claiming to be belonging to EWS, include the following clause:-

“The Appointment/ Admission is provisional and is subject to the Income and asset certificate being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to EWS is fake/false the Services/ Admission will be Terminated/ Cancelled forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate.”

The Appointing Authority/ Admitting Universities should verify the verify of the income and asset certificate submitted by the candidate through the certificate issuing authority.


 1)  Persons With Disability:

As per Government of India requirement: the provisions under section 32 of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, 5% seats are reserved for persons with disabilities in admission requirements. The five categories of disabilities are: (a) low-vision/blindness, b) deaf and hard of hearing, and c) loco motor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victim and muscular dystrophy d) autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness e) multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the category identified for each disabilities and any other category of disability specified by the Government of India regulations in this regard and applicable for reservations in higher education institutions.

Twenty one categories of Disability:

3.Leprosy Cured persons
4.Hearing Impairment (deaf and hard of hearing)
5.Locomotor Disability
7.Intellectual Disability
8.Mental Illness
9 Autism Spectrum Disorder
10.Cerebral Palsy
11.Muscular Dystrophy
12.Chronic Neurological conditions
13.Specific Learning Disabilities
14.Multiple Sclerosis
15.Speech and Language disability
18.Sickle Cell disease
19.Multiple Disabilities including deafblindness
20.Acid Attack victim
21.Parkinson's disease

This provision is applicable if the candidate suffers from any of the listed disabilities to the extent of not less than 40% as certified by medical authority as prescribed and explained in the said Act.

Persons with visual impairment will be given an option to have a SCRIBE to assist them to complete the test. The SCRIBE should be an undergraduate student and should bring a valid ID proof at the time of the test.

The 5% quota will have "horizontal reservation" and 1% each will be reserved for physical disability, intellectual disability, mental behaviour disability caused due to chronic neurological conditions and blood disorder and multiple disability categories.

2) Kashmiri Migrants and Kashmiri Pandit / Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrant ):

The concession for the wards of Kashmiri Migrants and Kashmiri Pandit / Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants) living in Kashmir valley for admission in Higher Education Institutions:

The Ministry’s letter No. 3-1/2012-NER dated 12.03.2015 and 22.07.2016, it has been decided to allow the following concessions to the wards of Kashmiri Migrants as well as Kashmiri Pandits / Kashmiri Hindu Families who are living in the Kashmiri Valley, in the matter of their admission in the educational institutions from the academic year 2020-21 and onwards till further orders:

(1) Relaxation in cut-off percentage upto 10% subject to minimum eligibility requirement.

(2) Increase in intake capacity upto 5% course-wise.

(3) Reservation of at least one seat in merit quota in technical/professional institutions

(4) Waiving off domicile requirements for Kashmiri Migrants only. Kashmiri Pandits / Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants) living in the Kashmiri Valley need domicile certificate.

3) Armed Forces:

Reservation of 5% seats (supernumerary quota) will be allocated for wards of armed forces personnel candidates according to their priority mentioned in GOI norms.


Center for Library and Information Management Studies, SDTM Library

Toal Intake :- 25 (Including GOI Reservation)


  • Issue of Notification for 2020-21

 2nd June 2021

Last date of submission of application form 

 31st July, 2021

Online Personal Interview

18th August, 2021

Declaration of Selection Result

7th Sept 2021 

Contact Classes (First Semester)

17th - 28th Oct 2021

Contact Classes (Second Semester)

15th – 26th May 2022