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Library and Information Science

Common University Entrance Test

CUET PG - 2022




  1. Central University Himachal Pradesh                                (B.Lib.I.Sc & M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  2. Tripura University                                                          (B.Lib.I.Sc & M.Lib & Information Science)
  3. Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University, Srinagar   (B.Lib.I.Sc)
  4. Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya , Chattisgarh                   (B.Lib.I.Sc & M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  5. Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar                        (B.Lib.I.Sc)
  6. Banaras Hindu University                                               (M.Lib & Information Science)
  7. Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwa Vidyalaya                                (B.Lib.I.Sc & M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  8. Central University Haryana                                             (M.Lib & Information Science)
  9. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University                        (B.Lib.I.Sc & M.Lib)
  10. Manipur University                                                        (M.Lis.)
  11. Sikkim University                                                          (M.Lis.)
  12. Pondicherry University                                                   (M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  13. Mahatma Gandhi Central University Bihar                        (M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  14. North-Eastern Hill University                                           (M.Lib.)
  15. Central University Gujarat                                               (M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  16. Central University Punjab                                               (M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  17. Central University Tamil Nadu                                         (M.Lib & I.Sc.)
  18. Apex University, Rajasthan                                             (M.Lib & I.Sc.)



Online Application Forms for Postgraduate Programmes will open from 19.05.2022, the link for the same will be made available on the official website Candidates who wish to appear for CUET (PG) – 2022 are advised to go through the required eligibility of the desired University/ Universities for selecting the options for PG Programmes being offered. The Application will be open from 19.05.2022 to 18.06.2022.