IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Bihar Animal Sciences University





Post                     University Librarian cum Information Officer 

No of posts       01

Age limit          65 years

Pay Scale          Rs.37400-67000 + G.P. 8700/-


Requisite Qualification & Experience

  1. M. Phil/ Master's Degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in UGC seven-point scale and consistent good academic record.
  2. Minimum five years' experience as Deputy Librarian/ Assistant Librarian (Selection Grade) or 10 years' experience as College Librarian / Research Institute Librarian in the PB 15600-39100+ AGP Rs. 7600 in Govt. Recognized University or Research Organization.
  3. Evidence of innovation library service in organization by published work.


Ph.D. in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation /Archives and manuscript keeping.


How to apply

Willing candidates have to submit the application mentioning personal detail (bio-data), relevant documents of earlier service, pension details and pass port size photograph to Registrar, Bihar Animal Sciences University, Patna-800014 latest by 08.02.2019 by registered /speed post up to 4.30 PM. 

Walk-in-Interview is scheduled to be held on 12.02.2019 at 10.00 AM in the Committee Room of Bihar Animal Sciences University (H.Qr.), Patna-14



Kindly View

  1. Recruitment Advertisement 01/2019
  2. Detail of post and Instructions
  3. Application Form for –Academic Positions in PDF Format
  4. Application Form for –Academic Positions in Word Format